Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010 and is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. It is a renowned university of higher learning located on an extensive state-of-the-art campus in Bengaluru offering a variety of degree courses. The University has baccalaureate concentrations, postgraduate offerings, doctoral degreeā€¦ Read More Ā»

Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010 and is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. It is a renowned university of higher learning located on an extensive state-of-the-art campus in Bengaluru offering a variety of degree courses. The University has baccalaureate concentrations, postgraduate offerings, doctoral degree programs and several professional certificate programs.

Alliance University aspires to be among the best universities in the world by the year 2025 through a series of strategically crafted moves, precisely calibrated action plans and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence.

While its oldest professional schoolā€”Alliance School of Businessā€”is consistently ranked among the top ten private business schools in India by various ranking agencies, the University having already established Alliance College of Engineering and Design; Alliance School of Law; and Alliance Ascent College, is in the process of establishing many other prominent academic units, viz., Alliance College of Arts and Humanities; Alliance College of Science; Alliance College of Medicine and Dentistry; Alliance College of Education and Human Services; Alliance School of Health Sciences; and Alliance College of Media and Communications.

Apply to the Alliance School of law for 2021 Today.

The ambience and serenity of a world-class infrastructure housed in a ā€˜greenā€™ campus; faculty who have proven themselves in their respective fields by providing an excellent blend of rigour and relevance in their teaching; staff who are ever ready to reach out; robust industry interactions; research aimed at solving problems of the real world; a plethora of international collaborative arrangements; outreach activities that touch the lives of a wide cross-section of society; and an exemplary track record in career counselling -and placement facilitationā€”all combine to provide a rare synergy that transcends artificial barriers and enables students to follow their hearts with passion and confidence.

How is Alliance School of Law better than other colleges and why one should join it?

Alliance School of Law is approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi. It offers two five-year, integrated undergraduate courses in law, viz., Bachelor of Arts, B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) and Bachelor of Business Administration, B.B.A LL.B. (Hons.) that have been carefully crafted and designed to prepare its graduates for rewarding careers in various roles and responsibilities in legal service organisations.

Alliance School of Law is a Member of LSAC Global Law Alliance. Awarded the Most Promising Law School by GHRDC Law School Survey.

Salient Features of Alliance School of Law

  • Integrated degree courses with Honors in Constitutional Law, Criminal and Security Laws, Corporate and Commercial Laws, International Law, and Intellectual Property Laws.
  • A full-time, one year Master of Law course with specializations in Constitutional & Administrative Law, Corporate & Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Criminal and Security Laws.
  • Option to select four elective seminar courses from the bucket of 25 courses offered.
  • Rigorous, relevant, contemporary and progressive curriculum reviewed by industry experts.
  • Delivered by accomplished full-time faculty and embellished by eminent jurists as well as international adjunct faculty.
  • Innovative pedagogy with focussing on research, comprising case-based method, interactive teaching and experiential learning.
  • Extensive interactions with legal luminaries and industry experts.
  • Moot Court Hall for simulated court proceedings and visits to courts for understanding litigation procedures.
  • Magnificent infrastructureā€”comparable to the best in the world.
  • Well-equipped library with world-class digital legal resources.
  • Internship opportunities and final placement facilitation in reputed companies and legal firms.
  • Scholarships available for eligible students.

What are the programs offered in Alliance School of Law?

Undergraduate Postgraduate


  • B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
  • B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.)
Master of Law (LL. M.) Ph.D. in Law

What is the difference between B.A. LL. B. and B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons)?

A. LL.B. (Honours) students study Arts subjects like Economics, Sociology and Economics. They can opt to specialise in any of the one area of their choice. Studying B. A. LL.B. students will understand the society and surrounding better. They are suitable for Judiciary, Policy Making, Politics, Litigation, NGOs, In house Corporate Counsels., Law firms, etc

Similarly, B.B.A. LL.B. s students study subjects related to General Management, Financial management, and Mass Communications. They can opt to specialise in any one of the above areas of their choice. These students will have an edge in areas of management like Finance Management, Law firm Management, Legal Compliances, Human Resource Management beyond regular legal options for litigation, judiciary, etc.

Further, Honours specialisation in LL.B. is offered in the following areas.

  1. Constitutional and Administrative Laws
  2. Corporate and Commercial Laws
  3. Criminal and Security Laws
  4. Intellectual Property Laws
  5. International Laws

Students can select any one area of their choice.

All the career options are open for students irrespective of the his/her choice for B.A. LL.B. or B.B.A. LL.B. They can join Judiciary, Litigation, Law Firm, Academia, Corporate inhouse Counsel, JAG, NGOs, etc

Insight on the facultyā€™s strength

Faculties play a major role in transforming the studentā€™s career.

Students are required to acquire skills for the profession. This is transferred to them from the faculty. It is pertinent to have competent resource persons to achieve the desired outcomes. Alliance University selects its faculty through rigorous recruitment process and ensures best in the field are recruited. Alliance School of Law emphasises on research-based education as a person cannot make a career in law without strong research skills. Students are taught to conduct research from the first semester.

A research project is an integral component of each course. Similarly, teachers train students for presentation skills. Moot Court Exercises, Trial Advocacy, Client Counselling, Drafting, Mediation, Conciliation, Forensic Science, workshops are conducted regular basis by the faculty members to ensure inculcation of the area-specific skills. Activities like Moot Court Competitions, Debates, Model United Nations are conducted regularly, guided by faculty but these are students driven events with the aim to inculcate organizational and leadership skills.

Faculty are corporative, approachable, skill full, dedicated, competent and devoted to ensure outcome-based education. They also guide and prepare students before appearing for interviews, Competitive examinations, Judiciary examinations and NET Examination. Under the guidance of Faculty students provide legal aid to needy and underprivileged. Many Socio-legal research projects are conducted with research objectives and to spread legal awareness.

How do you engage the students during their course duration that helps them to enhance their skills?

The Alliance School of Law is committed to imparting world-class learning in law practice and governance to its key constituents. To fulfil this objective, the curriculum and teaching pedagogy is designed to prepare its graduates in the domestic, international and comparative law subjects. Graduates from the Alliance School of Law study compulsory subjects and choose from an unparalleled range of elective subjects. In addition to subjects on substantive and procedural law, its attorney-graduates also acquire lawyering skills through practical training activities and clinical, legal programs even while they inculcate in themselves sound research and writing skills.

  • There are six subjects in each semester except semesters nine and ten, which have only five subjects in each.
  • In the fourth semester, students of the B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course have the option to select specialization in Economics, Sociology or Political Science by studying in 4 , 5 , and 6 semester additional subjects in their chosen area of specialization.
  • Similarly, students of the B.B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) course can pursue specialization in either Management or Finance.
  • Students of both B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) and B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) also have the option of pursuing 3 papers of mass communication instead of specialization in any one of the aforementioned areas.
  • In the sixth semester, students of both courses may select any one specific area in Law out of five honors areas (Intellectual Property Rights Law, Business Law, International Law, Constitutional Law or Criminal Law) and are required to study eight subjects from the respective honours group.

What kind of support is offered by the University for student placement?

The Career Advancement and Networking (CAN) office of Alliance University works year-round in building relationships and networking with industry professionals across multiple sectors. CAN Office is dedicated to advising students on career options and providing them with updated information on Legal internships and final placement opportunities.

Apart from these services, The Career Advancement and Networking office of Alliance University provides assistance for internships and final placements. CAN office has contacts and databases of companies, law firms and legal professionals working in various positions across industry sectors, with whom the office shares a mutually enriching relationship.

The team endeavours to provide placements and internship assistance for all those students who enrol for the assistance and are regular in applying and attending opportunities shared. Companies/Organisations/firms which visit campus for legal placements are a mix of BFSI,Consulting, Legal outsourcing, KPOs, IT/ITES and Legal houses/Law firms such as Federal Bank, HDFC Ltd, PwC, KPMG, United Lex, Morae Global, Ameriprise Financials, Spice Route Legal, Nishit Desai and Associates to name a few

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing law?

  • There are ample benefits for person with sound legal knowledge. Legal professionals have actively contributed in Nation building. From gaining Independence, to making of Constitution, and to safeguarding the interest of the country, it is legal professions whose contribution has been immense. Even today a large number of legal professionals are at the forefront to safeguard the interest of the country and its citizens at various forums. Legal knowledge not only help in safeguarding a personā€™s own legal rights but can also contribute towards a just society.
  • Judiciary, Litigation, Law firm, Corporate inhouse counsel, NGOs, JAG, Academics, legislature, Data Privacy Lawyers, Legal consultancy, Policymakers, Regulatory & Compliance officers, Arbitrators, Mediators Conciliators, Legal officers in Banks, Insurance companies and other organisations are various options after pursuing law.

Do you emphasise the students on research projects? Is there any mentor who guide them to publish their research papers?

Research methodology is taught from the very first semester. Students are expected to conduct research project for every course. Students are encouraged and guided to publish their research papers. Alliance School of Law has four Centres for research viz. Alliance Centre for Intellectual Property Laws, Alliance Centre of Criminal Justice Administration, Alliance Centre for Corporate and Commercial Laws, and Alliance Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution were students work on research projects and their research work is published. Alliance School of Law also publishes International Journal on Law and Social Sciences were students can publish their research work.

Apply to the Alliance School of law for 2021 Today.


Contact- 9606048543

Application Link-

  1. Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary and Entrance Exams
  2. Legal Bites Academy ā€“ Ultimate Test Prep Destination
Updated On 1 Sept 2021 12:06 AM
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

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