Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper II | Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Arbitration and Conciliation Act

Candidates preparing for Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam should solve the Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Paper II.;

Update: 2024-05-31 04:11 GMT
Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper II | Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Arbitration and Conciliation Act
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Candidates preparing for the Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam should solve the Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 (Paper-II) and other previous year question papers before they face Prelims and Mains.

It also gives an idea about the syllabus and how to prepare the subjects by keeping the previous year's questions in mind. All toppers are mindful and cognizant of the types of questions asked by the Jharkhand Judicial Services, to be aware of the various tricks and types of questions. This should be done by every aspirant when starting their preparation. It is very important to have an overall understanding of the pattern and design of questions.

Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper-II

Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Arbitration and Conciliation Act

Only practising the authentic question papers will give you a real feel of the pattern and style of the questions. Here's Jharkhand Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper-II.

Jharkhand Judicial Services Mains Written Examination 2018
Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Arbitration and Conciliation Act

Paper II: Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, Sales of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Arbitration and Conciliation Act
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Marks are indicated against each question

Candidates are required to answer five questions, selecting compulsory one question from each Section.

Section - A

Question 1

(a) "All illegal agreements are void but all void agreements are not necessarily illegal." Discuss statutory provisions along with illustrations and decide cases in the light of this statement. [10 Marks]

(b) State grounds on which a surety is discharged from his liability under a contract of guarantee. [10 Marks]

Question 2

(a) Explain the facts of and the principles of law laid down in Hadley v. Baxendale and its position under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. [10 Marks]

(b) Write a note on Bailee's duty of care and support it with statutory provisions and decided cases. [10 Marks]

Section B

Question 3

(a) What are essentials of a contract of sale of goods Distinguish it from an agreement to sale. [10 Marks]

(b) What do you understand by Unpaid Seller's lien? When this lien is terminated? [10 Marks]

Question 4

(a) Discuss in detail the provisions relating to transfer of property in the goods under the Sale of Goods Act. 1930. [10 Marks]

(b) Write short notes [5*2=10 Marks]

(i) Sale by description

(ii) Goods perishing before sale but after agreement to sell

Section C

Question 5

(a) Explain the provisions relating to discharge from liability on a negotiable instrument as provided in the Act.  [10 Marks]

(b) A issues a post-dated cheque for ₹ 5,000 in favour of B. B' takes it to the bank and the bank marks it good for payment. Before the due date the amount to credit of "A" in the bank falls to 3,000 and the bank refuses to honour the cheque when presented by 'B'. Advice 'B' and the Bank. [10 Marks]

Question 6

(a) Define negotiation. Explain fully its different modes. Illustrate your answer. [10 Marks]

(b) Define Endorsement and describe the different forms of Endorsement generally recognized by law. [10 Marks]

Section D

Question 7

(a) Define arbitration and differentiate between Permanent Court and Arbitral Tribunal. [10 Marks]

(b) "If a clause in an agreement between the parties clearly shows their intention that any dispute arising between them shall be decided by a particular person, then it is an "arbitration clause" irrespective of the fact that the words 'arbitrator or arbitration have not been used therein." Amplify the above statement in the light of essential elements of an arbitration agreement. [10 Marks]

Question 8

(a) State the provisions relating to appeal from orders of arbitral tribunal under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. [10 Marks]

(b) Discuss the provisions laid down in Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 regarding the lien on arbitral award and deposits as to costs. [10 Marks]

Section - E

Question 9

(a) Define 'immovable property'. Explain the term in reference to things attached to earth. [10 Marks]

(b) What is "conditional transfer"? Under what circumstances a conditional transfer becomes void? Discuss. [10 Marks]

Question 10

(a) Discuss the doctrine of lis pendens and give its basis. Does the doctrine apply to an execution proceeding? Elucidate. [10 Marks]

(b) Define lease. What are the different ways in which a lease may determine? [10 Marks]


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