Call for Papers: Journal of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law Volume I Issue 1 | NLU Jodhpur
Journal of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law, National Law University, Jodhpur, is inviting submissions for Volume I Issue 1 which aims to create fruitful academic discussion.;

Journal of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law, National Law University, Jodhpur, is inviting submissions for Volume I Issue 1 which aims to create fruitful academic discussion and encourage innovative scholarship and research in bankruptcy law.
About JIBL
The Journal of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law [JIBL] was established with an objective to pursue and promote innovative scholarship and research in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy laws. It seeks to contribute to the debates, discussions or discourses by engaging in dynamic and advanced research including pragmatic and theoretical analysis in the realm of insolvency and bankruptcy laws at both domestic and international levels. It is a bi-annual, double-blind student-reviewed and edited journal. The remit of the Journal is restricted to Insolvency and Bankruptcy laws and includes domestic as well as international legal and policy-related topics or issues.
Mode of Submission
- Manuscripts for Volume I, Issue 1 of JIBL, which is scheduled to be published in October 2023, may be submitted via Google Form latest by 11:59 PM on August 30, 2023.
- Click here to Submit
- Manuscripts will undergo a three-stage blind review conducted by the Board of Editors of JIBL over the course of eight (8) weeks after the submission deadline for Volume I, Issue 1 has elapsed.
- We accept manuscripts year-round, on a rolling basis, and any manuscript submitted post the aforesaid deadline will be considered for the subsequent issue i.e., Volume I, Issue 2.
Contribution Guidelines
Each issue contains:
- Long Articles, which analyse topics of permanent interest from major national jurisdictions as well as contemporary international issues,
- Short Articles, which cover topical recent developments and ongoing debates in the field, and
- Case Notes/Book reviews. JIBL invites contributions from experienced practitioners, academicians and law students on contemporary topics related to Insolvency and Bankruptcy laws, as well as on jurisdiction-specific themes.
- Authors are requested to adhere to the Submission Guidelines.
- Authors are requested to provide a declaration stating that the manuscript is original, unpublished, and it is not submitted for consideration to any other law journal.
Submission Guidelines
JIBL seeks submissions under the following categories:
I. Long Articles - 6,000 to 8,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
II. Short Articles - 3,000 to 6,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
III. Case Notes/Book Reviews - 1,500 to 2,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of three (3) authors.
- The manuscript must be topical and related to the subject and scope of JIBL.
- The manuscript must contain an abstract of not more than 200 words.
- The authors must follow the OSCOLA: The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities for citations and footnotes.
- The manuscript must not include a table of contents or numbered paragraphs.
- The author must send a separate cover page, apart from the manuscript, which must contain a brief biographical description of the author, and also include the author’s name, affiliation, qualifications and contact details. The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials.
- JIBL accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis. Any manuscript submitted after the aforesaid deadline will be considered for the subsequent issue.
- The manuscript must be contained in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) document.
- The manuscript must be sent to the Journal in the Google Form.
- A declaration must be made at the time of submission that the manuscript is an original and unpublished work of the author(s), and that is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Editorial Policy
- Authors, upon submission, must communicate their acceptance of the following conditions:
- The work, upon publication, becomes the property of the National Law University, Jodhpur; and
- Permission for any subsequent publication, reprint, or derivative works must be obtained from JIBL.
- JIBL follows a comprehensive blind review procedure. JIBL shall inform the authors of the acceptance/rejection of their respective manuscript after the completion of the review process.
- JIBL retains absolute discretion over acceptance/rejection of the manuscripts.
- JIBL does not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines. Editorial decisions shall be based solely on a multi-stage review of the final manuscripts submitted by the authors.
- Post-review, manuscripts may be returned to the authors with changes or suggestions pertaining to the substance and style of the work. Acceptance of a manuscript may be made contingent on the author incorporating such changes or suggestions.
- JIBL reserves the right to request copies of any resources or authorities cited or referred to in the manuscript.
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams