CLAT UG: Vocabulary

Here is a list of 250 words prepared especially to help the students who are willing to crack CLAT UG.

Update: 2022-12-15 03:13 GMT

Here is a list of 250 words prepared especially to help the students who are willing to crack CLAT UG. 

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic"...................J.K. Rowling

CLAT UG: Vocabulary

1. Abate – to make or become less in degree, amount or value

2. Abdicate – to give up a right or responsibility

3. Abject – completely hopeless

4. Adamant – insistent, immovable

5. Allure – to attract

6. Apogee – the highest point

7. Attenuate – to make thin or weak

8. Austere – somber, strict

9. Autonomous – independent

10. Aver – to declare or prove to be true


11. Banal – unoriginal, trite

12. Bawdy – obscene

13. Bellicose – inclined or eager to fight

14. Bolster – to give support

15. Boorish – rude in a way that reveals insensitivity towards others

16. Brazen – shamelessly bold

17. Broach – to mention for the first time

18. Burgeon – to sprout, bloom and grow

19. Burnish – to polish, especially by rubbing

20. Buttress – to support, prop up


21. Cacophony – harsh, discordant sound

22. Calumny - false charges made with the intention of harming the reputation of others

23. Castigation – severe criticism or punishment

24. Causal – relating to a cause

25. Caustic – able to burn or corrode, sarcastic

26. Cavil – to raise minor objections

27. Compliant – conforming, submissive

28. Convivial – enjoying company, food, and drink

29. Craven – completely lacking in courage

30. Culpable – deserving blame

31. Cynosure – center of attraction


32. Dearth – a shortage, an inadequate supply

33. Debacle – a disaster or complete failure

34. Decorum – propriety and good taste

35. Demur – to express disagreement, object

36. Derision – ridicule, contempt

37. Deterrent – that which prevents

38. Disabuse – to clear up an error or confusion

39. Discrete – separate, distinct

40. Dissonance – the clashing of ideas or sounds

41. Distill – to extract the essence of


42. Effrontery – shameless boldness

43. Elicit – to draw or bring out

44. Eloquoent - beautifully and fluently expressed

45. Erudite – learned

46. Essay – to attempt, to try

47. Exculpate – to clear from guilt or blame

48. Explicate – to explain in detail

49. Extrinsic – originating from without


50. Fallow – left uncultivated, inactive

51. Fatuous – foolish

52. Felicitous – well-expressed or well suited

53. Fervent – intense

54. Fledgling – a beginner

55. Flout – to neglect or treat with scorn

56. Foment – to promote the growth of

57. Forestall – to hinder or delay

58. Fulsome – characterized by excess

59. Futile – useless


60. Gainsay – to declare to be untrue

61. Genial – friendly, sympathetic

62. Goad – to urge

63. Gregarious – tending to be social

64. Guileless – innocent, without deceit

65. Guise – appearance, style of dress

66. Gullible – easily duped

67. Gustatory – affecting the sense of taste

68. Gusto – enjoyment, excitement

69. Gusty – windy


70. Hackneyed – lacking originality

71. Harangue – a rant

72. Hoary – white with age

73. Hoax – trick, practical joke

74. Hubris – arrogance, pride

75. Hurtle – crash, rush

76. Hybrid – mongrel, mixed breed

77. Hyperbole – exaggeration, overstatement

78. Hypocritical – pretending to be virtuous, deceiving

79. Hypothetical – based on assumptions


80. Iconoclast - someone who attacks cherished ideas or institutions

81. Idiosyncrasy - a behavioral attribute peculiar to an individual

82. Idle – silly or trivial

83. Imbibe – take in liquids

84. Implode – burst inwards

85. Inane – devoid of intelligence

86. Immanent - Present throughout

87. Immune - resistant to, not affected, exempt

88. Irresoulute – not sure how to act


89. Jaded – bored or apathetic

90. Jargon – technical terminology

91. Jaunt – a journey taken for pleasure

92. Jaunty – having a cheerful, lively, and self – confident air

93. Jeer – laugh at with contempt and derision

94. Jeopardize – pose a threat to

95. Jettison – throw away

96. Jibe – an aggressive remark directed at a person

97. Jollity – feeling jovial and full of good humor

98. Justify – defend, explain, or make excuses by reasoning

99. Juxtapose – can be placed side by side


100. Ken - range of what one can know or understand

101. Kernel - a single whole grain of a cereal

102. Killjoy - someone who spoils the pleasure of others

103. Kindle – cause to start burning

104. Kindred - group of people related by blood or marriage

105. Kismet - fate or fortune

106. Kleptomaniac - someone with an irrational urge to steal

107. Knack - a special way of doing something

108. knave - deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

109. Knoll – a small natural mound

110. Knit – make by needlework


111. Labile - readily undergoing change or breakdown

112. Lachrymose - showing sorrow

113. Lackadaisical - idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way

114. Leniency - mercifulness as a consequence of being tolerant

115. Lethal - an instrument of certain death

116. Lethargic - deficient in alertness or activity

117. Lull – make calm or still


118. Macabre - shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

119. Machination - a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends

120. Maculate - spot, stain, or pollute

121. Morbid – suggesting the horror of death and decay

122. Morose – showing a brooding ill humor

123. Mortify – cause to feel shame

124. Mull – refelect deeply on a subject

125. Mutiny – open rebellion against constituted authority

126. Myraid – a large indefinite number

127. Mythical – based on or told of in traditional stories


128. Nadir - the lowest point of anything

129. Naive - marked by or showing unaffected simplicity

130. Naivete - lack of sophistication or worldliness

131. Neologism - a newly invented word or phrase

132. Nepotism - favoritism shown to relatives or friends by those in power

133. Nestle - move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position

134. Nether - lower

135. Nettle - plant having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation

136. Nurture – hel develop, grow

137. Nutrient - any substance that can be metabolized to give energy


138. Oasis - a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary

139. Obdurate - showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings

140. Obedient - dutifully complying with the commands of those in authority

141. Obeisance - bending the head or body in reverence or submission

142. Odium - hate coupled with disgust

143. Odoriferous - having a natural fragrance

144. Offend - cause to feel resentment or indignation

145. Officious - intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner

146. Offset - compensate for or counterbalance

147. Ogle - stare or look at, especially with amorous intentions


148. Pacifist - someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes

149. Palliative - moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear

150. Palpable - able to be felt by tactile examination

151. Parody - a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style

152. Parsimonious - excessively unwilling to spend

153. Partisan - devoted to a cause or political group

154. Pastoral - idyllically rustic

155. Patriarchal - of a social organization with the male as the head

156. Patrician - befitting a person of noble origin

157. Proscribe – to forbid


158. Query – to question

159. Quotidian – ordinary

160. Qualm - uneasiness about the fitness of an action

161. Quandary - a situation from which extrication is difficult

162. Quirky - strikingly unconventional

163. Quisling - someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force

164. Quiver - shake with fast, tremulous movements

165. Quixotic - not sensible about practical matters

166. Quizzical - playfully vexing, especially by ridicule

167. Quorum - a gathering of the minimal number of members of a group

168. Quotation - a passage or expression that is cited

169. Quotidian - found in the ordinary course of events


170. Refulgent – shining brightly

171. Refute – to prove wrong, deny

172. Rescind – take away or cancel

173. Repudiate – to disown or reject

174. Rigorous - demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

175. Riveting - capable of arousing and holding the attention

176. Ruse – a trick

177. Rustic - characteristic of rural life

178. Ruthless - without mercy or pity


179. Sage – one who is wise

180. Salubrious – healthful

181. Singular – unique

182. Spurious – not genuine or true

183. Stigma – a mark or sign of disgrace

184. Stoic – not showing feeling

185. Subside – to settle down or become quiet

186. Sumptuous - of high quality, and often expensive

187. Sundry - consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds

188. Superannuated - too old to be useful

189. Supercilious - having or showing arrogant superiority

190. Supererogatory - more than is needed, desired, or required

191. Superficial - of, affecting, or being on or near the surface

192. Supernatural - That cannot be explained by physical Laws


193. Tenacity – persistence

194. Terse – concide, sometimes abruptly so

195. Tirade – a long and angry speech

196. Tout – to solicit support for, to promote

197. Tractable – easily led, trained

198. Tryst – an appointment to meet


199. Ubiquitous – existing everywhere at once

200. Uncanny – seeming to be supernatural in nature

201. Unfeigned – genuine, sincere

202. Untenable – incapable of being defended

203. Urbane – polite, polished, elegant

204. Unwitting - not aware or knowing

205. Unwonted - out of the ordinary

206. Unyielding - resistant to physical force or pressure

207. Upbraid - express criticism towards

208. Uxorious - foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife


209. Vacate - leave voluntarily, as a job or position

210. Vacillate - be undecided about something

211. Vacuous - devoid of intelligence

212. Vagary - an unexpected and inexplicable change in something

213. Vagrant - a wanderer with no established residence or means of support

214. Vigilant – alert, watchful

215. Vilify – to slander

216. Viscous – adhesive, sticky, thick

217. Volatile – evaporating easily, explosive, changeable

218. Voracious – having a large appetite, instiable


219. Wade - walk through relatively shallow water

220. Waffle - pancake batter baked in an iron

221. Waft - be driven or carried along, as by the air

222. Waggish - witty or joking

223. Warranted – justified

224. Wary – cautious, watchful

225. Wring - twist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid

226. Writ - a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer

227. Writhe - move in a twisting or contorted motion

228. Wry - humorously sarcastic or mocking


229. Xenophobia - a fear of foreigners or strangers

230. Xenophobic -having abnormal fear or hatred of foreigners

231. Xeric - being deficient in or requiring little moisture

232. Xerox - a copy made by a xerographic printer

233. Xylene - a colorless flammable volatile liquid hydrocarbon used as a solvent


234. Yahoo - a person who is not intelligent or interested in culture

235. Yearn - desire strongly or persistently

236. Yearning - prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

237. Yelp - a sharp high-pitched cry

238. Yen - the basic unit of money in Japan

239. Yeoman - a free man who cultivates his own land

240. Yield - give or supply

241. Yoke - become joined or linked together

242. Yokel - a person who is not intelligent or interested in culture

243. Yonder - distant but within sight

244. Yore - time long past


245. Zeal - a feeling of strong eagerness

246. Zealot - a fervent and even militant proponent of something

247. Zealous - marked by active interest and enthusiasm

248. Zenith - the highest point of something

249. Zephyr - a slight wind

250. Zest - vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

Important Links

Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams

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