Female Infanticide: Eternal Dethronement of Infant Queens from the Kingdom of Earth

‘Madhavar nonbai vida madavaar nonbu melaanadhu’ This slogan translates itself to ‘a penance of a woman is greater than that of a sage’. This shows the potential of women. It is quite surprising that people associate the voice of female infanticide to ancient times. They might have existed but not at a very ancient time. It is only… Read More »

Update: 2017-10-05 18:48 GMT

‘Madhavar nonbai vida madavaar nonbu melaanadhu’

This slogan translates itself to ‘a penance of a woman is greater than that of a sage’. This shows the potential of women. It is quite surprising that people associate the voice of female infanticide to ancient times. They might have existed but not at a very ancient time. It is only with the weeds of social evils had bloomed this crime. Only with the advent of the tortures like sexual abuses and dowry, people started to equip themselves with killing agents. Every religion advocates against slaughters. Killing or being a part of the murder of her/his infants involves higher risks of sins.

There is a reference to the Nakshatras, who are 27 sisters born to Kashyapa. Generous King Pari Vallal had two daughters. His daughters were well-educated under the tutelage of Avvaiyar. Every woman is a manifestation of Goddess Mahalakshmi according to Hindu mythology. Rani of Jhansi was the primary reason behind sustaining the war. Koperunthevi, a queen was the reason for ruling the state after her husband’s death. It is only the mental courage of Nur Jahan to forbid the state from drinking and gambling. It is the openness and valor of Draupadi and Kannagi to pose questions to the Rulers and make them understand their misdeeds.

Though the country is rich in its feministic cultural heritage, there are cases booming of female infanticide. The well affordable groups commit this sin at least to an extent of failing to recognize the baby as their own. An incident in a famous magazine spoke of an educated girl, who was much worried about mothering a baby girl. Her grandmothers were annoyed by the girl’s behavior and scolded her. This is surprising.

The society also has a part in all the crimes. It is clear that this crime has the society as its base. Initially, the society emphasized people on female infanticide in some parts of India. The society wanted female infanticide practiced while parents were against it. However, now it is the other way around.

In some areas of India, there are some other dangers occurring. A father after getting girl children would flee away from his house. The mother has to shoulder the family through the income from farming and weaving. The spirit of the poverty-ridden mother is lacking in the educated mother. Now the role of the society has taken another form. Some comfortable parents are least bothered to counsel their sons or teach them manners. Sons devoid of parental care try to be patriarchal, violent towards women and tyrannical.

The social evils like abuses and portrayal of women in a bad light are the main reason for such crimes. Misogynistic songs also portray women wrongly. A good artist must try to generalize an issue only when it is prominent in large numbers. The projection of women as selfish, gossiping and cheating humans is a flaw in the artist/ a writer’s work. It brings the status and rich cultural heritage of other Indian girls down.

Though there are many evils happening around, the ‘Pandora Box’ has the virtue of hope. Think about the mother who has the courage to raise her daughters by toiling and safeguarding them as a woman.

– Sivashruthy Namachivayam

Content Writer @ Legal Bites

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