A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.

Find the question and answer of Hindu Law only on Legal Bites.

Update: 2023-04-14 11:45 GMT

Question: A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.Find the question and answer of Hindu Law only on Legal Bites. [A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.]AnswerIn Hindu law, a valid ground for divorce is cruelty, adultery, desertion, conversion, unsoundness of mind, virulent and incurable form...

Question: A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.

Find the question and answer of Hindu Law only on Legal Bites. [A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.]


In Hindu law, a valid ground for divorce is cruelty, adultery, desertion, conversion, unsoundness of mind, virulent and incurable form of leprosy, venereal disease in a communicable form, renunciation of the world, and not heard for seven years.

Venereal disease is a sexually transmitted disease that can be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. If the husband is suffering from AIDS, which is a communicable venereal disease, it can be considered a valid ground for divorce in Hindu law. This is because the disease not only affects the health of the husband but can also have serious implications for the health of the wife and any children they may have in the future. The wife has a right to protect herself from such a disease and seek dissolution of the marriage if she so desires.

However, it should be noted that any decision regarding divorce on the grounds of a husband's medical condition must be taken with sensitivity and caution. It is important to ensure that the husband's rights and dignity are also respected throughout the legal proceedings. Additionally, medical evidence must be provided to prove that the husband is indeed suffering from AIDS or any other venereal disease.


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