Intellectual Property Rights | Notes, Cases & Study Material

Unlock the world of Intellectual Property Rights with essential Notes, Cases, and Study Material. Elevate your legal expertise!;

Update: 2025-03-03 05:59 GMT
Intellectual Property Rights | Notes, Cases & Study Material
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Unlock the world of Intellectual Property Rights with essential Notes, Cases, and Study Material. Elevate your legal expertise! Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are an essential but often overlooked set of rights. The creative rights over an original piece of work, invention or even an idea behind a business can come under the purview of Intellectual Property Rights.

With the emergence of the digital age, instances of plagiarism and copyright infringements have increased manifold. Strict laws to prevent theft of intellectual property have become absolutely necessary to create an atmosphere of trust and to encourage innovation.

Legal Bites' comprehensive study material on Intellectual Property Laws consists of six modules. They cover various topics like piracy, trademark registration and patents. Readers who are passionate about Intellectual Property Rights and aim to pursue a career in it will benefit immensely from this course.

Important articles and study material on Property Law – Click on the link to Read

Module: 1

  1. Basic Concept of Intellectual Property (IPR)
  2. Intellectual Property vs. Real Property: A Comparative Analysis
  3. Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law Questions Asked in UGC NET Exam | UGC NET (Law) #Special
  4. Characteristics and Nature Of Intellectual Property Rights
  5. Justifications for the Protection of IP Rights | Explained
  6. Landmark Cases of Intellectual Property Rights
  7. 5 Leading Cases of Intellectual Property Rights
  8. Major International Instruments | Intellectual Property
  9. Comparative Study: Intellectual Property Laws in UK, US and India
Full View

Module: 2

  1. Introduction to Copyright
  2. Originality under the Copyright Law - A Conceptual Framework
  3. Ownership of Copyright
  4. Trade Secret: Meaning and Criteria for Protection
  5. Plagiarism in Cyberspace | Copyright and Cyber Law
  6. Limitations of Copyright Law in Cyberspace
  7. Remedies of Copyright Infringement
  8. Concept of Fair Use: Copyright and Creative Expression

Module: 3

  1. Trademarks: An Overview
  2. Historical Development of Trademark Law
  3. Honest Concurrent User of Trademarks
  4. Everything about Well-Known Trademarks
  5. Kinds of Trademark
  6. Grounds for Refusal to Register a Trademark | Explained

Module: 4

  1. Designs Law in India: Introduction, Meaning, and Case Laws
  2. Piracy of Registered Designs: Grounds of Defence and Passing Off
  3. Law Relating To Piracy Of Designs In India
  4. Difference between Trademark and Design Registration
  5. Protection of well-known Marks Under The Trademarks Act

  6. Importance of Trademark Registration in India

Module: 5

  1. Introduction to the Patent Regime in India: Overview
  2. Development of Patent Law in India
  3. Subject Matter of Patent Law
  4. Rights of a Patentee under Indian Law
  5. How To File A Patent In India- A Detailed Patent Filing Process
  6. Grounds of Patent Opposition
  7. Software Patents in Today's World
  8. Working of Patents and Compulsory License

Module: 6

  1. Subway v. Suberb: Reiterating the Fabric of Trademark Law in India

  2. How COVID-19 Can Impact the Patent Laws of Essential Medicines in India
  3. The Nexus Between IPR and Competition Law
  4. Role of IPR in Sports

  5. Importance of Geographical Indication | Intellectual Property Rights

Module: 7

  1. Case Analysis: Amar Nath Sehgal v. Union of India (2005) | Moral Right of an Artist
  2. Case Analysis: Coca-Cola Company v. Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. (2009) | Trademark Infringement
  3. Case Analysis: Yahoo!, Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr. (1999) | Passing off under Indian Trademark Law
  4. Case Analysis: Subway v. Suberb
  5. Case Analysis: Haldiram India Pvt. Ltd v. Berachah Sales Corporation & Ors. (2024) | Haldiram: A Well-Known Trademark

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