Call for Papers: International Conference on Sports Law | School of Law, HNBGU and School of Legal Studies | National Anti-Doping Agency, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports[29th August 2021]

An International Conference on Sports Law is organised to celebrate the auspicious National Sports Day on 29 August 2021. The event is being jointly organized by the School of Legal Studies, REVA University, and the School of Law, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) – CENTRAL UNIVERSITY in collaboration with the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of… Read More »


Update: 2021-07-30 05:26 GMT
Call for Papers: International Conference on Sports Law | School of Law, H
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An International Conference on Sports Law is organised to celebrate the auspicious National Sports Day on 29 August 2021. The event is being jointly organized by the School of Legal Studies, REVA University, and the School of Law, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) – CENTRAL UNIVERSITY in collaboration with the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.

This conference is open for the students, researchers, academicians, and advocates to submit abstracts, full papers, participate and present their deliberation to the world.

Highlights and USPs of the Conference

  1. International Conference on the emerging area of Law on the auspicious occasion of National Sports Day.
  2. Certificate from all the organizers jointly.
  3. Speakers from the Foreign Universities.
  4. Publication of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings with the DOI.
  5. Publication of selected research papers with an international publisher.

Concept Note

The development of sports as a tool of entrainment of human beings has a very long history. However, in the contemporary era, apart from being a popular entrainment activity, it has the significance of various kinds. Some are quite relevant for education, health – physical and mental.

It is supposed to become a tool of integration and tolerance. It is open to all, regardless of age, language, religion, culture, and provides the opportunity to play by commonly agreed on rules with fairness in success and failure. The United Nations has also recognized it as a means to promote education, health, development, and peace. In the contemporary era, such entrainment activity has been coupled with huge commercial value.

Such commercial value has brought various unethical, illegal, and unfair practices including from the spectators. Competitive sports lead to categorization, ranking, and distinguishing people based on physical attributes eventually creating a stigma. To understand the commercial value, international sporting events account for more than 3% of the world trade.

In the EU, it accounts for 3.7% of the combined GNP of 27-member states of Europe. In India, sports-related activities contribute approximately 12% to the annual GDP growth. The commerciality of sports has increased the complications of wide and variant issues.

To regulate these issues, Sports Law as a new sphere emerged internationally and domestically. The entire ecosystem encompasses regulations relating to anti-discrimination, anti-doping, sports federations, taxations, medical protocols, and dispute settlement.

About the Conference

In India, National Sports Day was celebrated for the first time on 29th August 2012. Since then, National Sports Day is celebrated every year to celebrate the birth anniversary of hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand who secured three Olympic golds – 1928, 1932, and 1936.

The “Wizard” (as popularly called) scored over 400 goals in his 22 years long career spanning from 1926 to 1948. In this continuation, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU- Central University) and REVA University in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is organizing an international conference on sports law.

The primary objective of the conference is to underline the vital role of the Sport’s Governing Bodies (SGBs) such as IOC, WADA, CAS, and NADOs in providing a level playing field to the participants. It aims to disseminate awareness about the dispute settlement mechanism in sports.

It will provide a forum to the professionals, academicians, and students to deliberate on the contemporary issues of sports law and its interface with other areas as contract law, labor law, IPR, etc. The organisers are planning to publish an edited book on sports law and which will be published by a reputed international publisher Routledge/Springer.

About Organisers

School of Law, HNBGU

Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) was established as State University in 1973. HNBGU has a rare distinction of taking birth through a powerful popular movement during the early seventies in the last century. This movement symbolized the hopes and aspirations of the masses of the region of Garhwal for development through higher education.

The people of a remote mountainous region agitated for establishing a university in the small but historic semi-rural town of Srinagar. It was an expression of the quest to empower their future generations to overcome economic and social backwardness, geographic and environmental constrains, re-assertion of cultural identity, and harnessing the local, natural, and human resources for development.

In 2009, HNBGU was elevated to a Central University by the Central Universities Act 2009. The University strives to guide its students, faculty, and all other stakeholders to achieve student’s academic excellence and holistic development.

School of Legal Studies, REVA University

Established under the REVA University Act of 2012, REVA is located in the heart of Bengaluru, Karnataka. REVA is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in various categories because of the diverse community of international students and its teaching excellence in both theoretical and technical education in the fields of Engineering, Management, Law, Science, Commerce, Arts, Performing Arts, and Research Studies.

School of Legal Studies was established in 2015 with our first batch of students of B.B.A., LL.B. The school started the B.A., LL.B. in the subsequent academic years and since then has increased the intake of students year after year.

The school also has two branches of LL.M (Masters of Laws) in Corporate & Business Law and Criminal Law. With the firm belief in imparting quality legal education, the School of Legal Studies has been making giant leaps in achieving that goal.

National Anti-Doping Agency, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

The National Anti-Doping Agency is the national organization responsible for promoting, coordinating, and monitoring the doping control program in sports in all its forms in India. It is an organization. National Anti-Doping Agency is mandated for Dope free sports in India.

The primary objectives are to implement anti-doping rules as per the WADA code, regulate dope control programs, promote education and research, and creating awareness about doping and its ill effects. The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports functioned under the overall guidance of the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports during the year.

Call for Contributions

  1. Prospective authors are invited to send their research proposals in the form of abstracts.
  2. Submissions must be original and unpublished works.
  3. After review, manuscripts may be returned to authors for including suggestions made by the editorial panel.
  4. Acceptance of the piece for publication may be made contingent upon incorporating such suggestions.
  5. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research, and relevance to the seminar.
  6. Manuscripts will be tested for copyright violations and hence authors are requested to submit un-plagiarized work.
  7. The themes are not exhaustive. Anything related to the Conference title is accepted.

Target Audience of the Conference

This conference aims to provide a platform to the leading academicians researchers, advocates, research scholars, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research results on various aspects of national & international law and its interface with sports.

Suggested Themes

  • Role of CAS, WADA, and NADO in ensuring a doping-free sport.
  • Key principles of the anti-doping regulations.
  • Future of Gambling in Professional Sports.
  • Unregulated Sports Betting and Lottery Operators Perspective.
  • Sport’s Governing Bodies in the Fight Against Match-fixing.
  • International trends to curb sporting frauds: Regulatory Structure, Criminal Law and Courts.
  • Global Impact of Counterfeiting Sporting Goods and Sports Wear.
  • Sports and IPR.
  • Sports Trademarks, Special Protection of Olympic Properties, and Ambush Marketing.
  • Media Rights and the Exclusivity of Sports Broadcasts.
  • Strategic communications of sport-related issues.
  • Sports & Competition Law.
  • Sports as freedom of speech and expression.
  • Personality Rights and Sports Law.
  • Gender Discrimination in Sports.
  • Human Rights & Anti-Discrimination in Sports.
  • Gender Identity & Sports.
  • Sports & Violence.
  • Impact of Sports on Society & Culture.
  • Dispute Settlement in Sports.
  • Courts vis-à-vis Sports Governing Bodies.
  • Standard of evidence in Sports Law.
  • Regulatory Bodies in Sports and Challenges.
  • International Governance of Individual Sports.
  • Concussion Protocol in Sports.
  • Drugs, Ethics & Medicolegal issues in sports.
  • Legal consequences of accidents in sports and pension schemes.
  • Economic and Legal Aspects of Transfers of Players.
  • Contemporary Challenges of Student-Athletes & the Legislative Vacuum.
  • Standardized Economic Value in Sports.
  • Employment Law and Sports.
  • International Employment Contracts in Sports.
  • lex Sportiva and lex ludica.

Submission Guidelines

  • The word limit for the abstract is 300-500 words in Times New Roman, 12 font
    size, 1.5 spacing.
  • The abstract must be accompanied with biographical details of the author(s) in .doc/.docx format only. The biographical details must include:
    • Title of the paper
    • Name of the author(s)
    • Designation
    • Institutional affiliation
    • Contact number and email address.
  • The abstract must be submitted on or before 8th August, 2021.
  • The selection of abstracts would be intimated on 12th August, 2021.
  • The full paper should be 2500-5000 words (exclusive of footnotes) and needs to be submitted on or before 26th August, 2021.
  • Only the authors submitting full papers would be allowed to make presentations during the seminar proceedings.
  • The registration for the seminar shall be done after the selection of the abstract only. The registration window shall open from 15th August, 2021 till 25th August, 2021, 11:59 P. M.
  • The body of the submission must be in Times New Roman, 12 Font Size, and 1.5 spacing.
  • The footnotes must be in Times New Roman, 10 font size, and single spacing.
  • The margin of 1 inch on all sides must be maintained throughout the paper.
  • The Harvard Bluebook 20th edition style of citation must be strictly followed.
  • All submissions should be sent in .doc/.docx format only.
  • Any non-compliance with the prescribed guidelines would lead to prima facie rejection.
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.
  • No part of the paper should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication.
  • All the submissions should be sent through e-mail to and registered through the link given at the end of this post.
  • Selected papers will be published in a book which will be published by a reputed international publisher.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published as a conference proceeding with DOI No.

Important Deadlines

Submission of Abstract: 8th August 2021

Communication of Acceptance: 12th August 2021

Submission of Full Paper: 26th August 2021

Date of the Conference: 29th August 2021

Registration Fees

Sole Authorship -Rs. 500/-

Co-authorship (two authors) – Rs. 750/-

Foreign Authors- USD 10

Payment Details

Account Name: Reva University

Bank Name: The Karnataka Bank Ltd

Account Number: 6662000100000901

Branch: REVA University Branch, Bengaluru

IFSC: KARB0000666

Contact Details

General inquiry: Mr. Ayush Agarwal (+91 99450 35511)

Abstract related inquiry: Mr. Mayank (+91 78952 96333)

Publication inquiry: Ms. Sakshi (+91 78958 92920)


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