International Virtual Arbitration Moot Court Competition | Arka Jain University and Legal Humming

Arka Jain University and Legal Humming are jointly organising the International Virtual Arbitration Moot Court Competition on 11th and 12th September 2021. Eligibility The competition is open to students currently enrolled in LLB(5 Year or 3 Year course) and LLM Courses. More than 1 team may represent an institution. Team size and other information: Each team shall comprise… Read More »


Update: 2021-08-11 06:10 GMT
5th IMS National Moot Court
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Arka Jain University and Legal Humming are jointly organising the International Virtual Arbitration Moot Court Competition on 11th and 12th September 2021.


  • The competition is open to students currently enrolled in LLB(5 Year or 3 Year course) and LLM Courses.
  • More than 1 team may represent an institution.
  • Team size and other information: Each team shall comprise a minimum of two students and a maximum of three students, with two speakers(compulsory) and one researcher (as needed).

Rules of the Competition

#Language: The language of the Competition shall be English.

#Eligibility Criteria:

  • Law schools/Colleges/ Institutes/ Universities, recognized by the Bar Council of India, are eligible to participate. The participants should currently be pursuing their degree in law i.e., Three Year/Five Year Law/LLM Courses.
  • Students who have completed their law courses are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • There shall be two speakers and one researcher designated for each team. In case of illness of the designated speaker, the researcher may be allowed to argue for the team with the prior permission of the Committee.


  • General
  • Every team has to register for Arka Jain University and Legal Humming for International Virtual Arbitration Moot Court Competition by filing the registration form, in the prescribed manner by 30th August 2021.
  • Registration Form:
  • Registration Fee: The registration fee for the competition is Rs. 1000/- for Indian Teams and 15$ for International Teams.


  • Clarifications can be sought on any part of the moot proposition by 1st September 2021. These clarifications are to be sent via e-mail at, or clarifications will be released by 3rd September 2021.
  • It is at the discretion of the Governing Council to decide whether a clarification sought is valid and to be clarified.

Anonymity of Teams

  • The teams shall not indicate their names or the names of their college or the university on memorials. For all communications purposes, only the team code shall be specified.
  • The team code allotted to all teams shall be indicated at the top right corner of the memorial, which will be communicated by way of Email.

Written Submissions/Memorials

  • All participating teams shall submit memorials from Prosecution and Defendant sides in both Pdf and Word format.
  • The cover page of memorials for the Prosecution shall be in Blue and the Defence shall be in Red.
  • All participating teams must submit a soft copy of their memorial in PDF format and word format, for both sides by 11:59 P.M. IST on or before 7th September 2021.
  • Non- compliance with this rule would entail negative marking which may also attract disqualification.
  • The decision in this regard shall be taken by the Committee.

Format of the memorial

The Memorial should not exceed 25 typed pages (not including the Cover Page) and shall consist of the following parts:

(a) Cover Page

(b) Table of Contents

(c) List of Abbreviations

(d) Index of Authorities

(e) Statement of Jurisdiction

(f) Statement of Facts

(g) Issues Raised

(h) Summary of arguments

(i) Arguments Advanced (not Exceeding 15 pages)

(j) Prayer.

#Font and Spacing:

  • The font of the body of the Memorial must be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and the font size of footnotes, if any, must not be less than size 10.
  • Each page must have a margin of at least an inch on all sides.


Blue Book mode of citation (20th Edition) must be followed.

#Submission of Soft Copies:

All participating teams must submit a soft copy of their memorial in PDF format and word format, for both sides by 11:59 P.M. IST on or before 7th September 2021.

# Assessment of Memorials:

Each side of the memorials shall be assessed out of 100 marks, by a team of experts on the predetermined criterion, as specified hereunder:

    1. Identification of Issues and Nature of relief sought (10 marks)
    2. Knowledge of fact and Law (15 marks)
    3. Use of Authorities/Precedents (20 marks)
    4. Argumentation and Clarity of Thoughts (20 marks)
    5. Proper Citation and Correct Format (15 marks)


The teams are required to send their compendium, along with their memorials. The compendium shall not exceed 5 pages, wherein, if the teams are referring to any books then the material of the book shall be quoted in the following format “Name of the book/Author/Page number/Paragraph”, and if the teams are referring to any website, only link of the website shall be quoted.

The compendium will be shared with the judges only via the organizing committee and the participants shall refrain from using screen share.

#Dress Code:

As prescribed by the Bar Council of India (White Shirt, Black Trousers, Blak Tie, Blazer is optional).

#Structure of the competition

The competition shall have one Preliminary Round, one Quarter-Final Round, one Semi-Final Round and the Final Round which will be followed by the valedictory ceremony.

Preliminary Rounds

The Petitioners shall be allotted a total of 15 minutes to speak. The Respondent shall be allotted 15 minutes for the arguments. Any extension of time beyond the specified period shall not be allowed.


Each team shall get a total time of 20 minutes to present their case and this shall include the time for ‘rebuttal’ and ‘Surrebuttal’. Any extension of time beyond the specified period shall be subject to the discretion of the judges.


Each team shall get a total of 25 minutes to present their case. This time will include the time for ‘rebuttal’ and ‘Surrebuttal’. Any extension of time beyond the specified period shall be subject to the discretion of the judges. The division of time between the speakers is the discretion of the team members, subject to a maximum of 15 minutes for one speaker.


  • Each team shall get a total of 25 minutes to present their case. This time will include the time for rebuttal and Surrebuttal.

Important DATES

  • Release of Moot Proposition: 28th July 2021
  • Last Date of register: 30th August 2021
  • Last Date to Seek Clarifications: 1st September 2021
  • Clarification Release: 3rd September 2021
  • Last Date to Submit Memorial: 7th September 2021
  • Date of Memorial Exchange: 10th September 2021
  • Result Declaration: 15th September 2021
  • Prize money and certificates for all participants and winners will be awarded on 30th September 2021

Payment Details

  • The payment can be done through PhonePe/ PayTm on 8847230400, Google Pay on 9630626622.
  • Account Details for Payment for both National and International Account Holders Name: Manbhav Monga, Account No: 2263000100140250IFSC Code: PUNB0226300Bank: Punjab National Bank
  • For any other mode, drop us a mail on
  • After the payment, fill the given form below and attach the screenshot of the payment. A confirmation mail shall be sent to the participant within 48 hours.
  • If the Participants are vaccinated so they will get a 10 % discount

Registration link


  • The Winning Team shall be awarded, Cash Prize of Rs.10,000/- and Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
  • The Runner-Up Team shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs.5,000/- and a Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
  • The Best Memorial shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs.3000/- and a Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
  • The Best Speaker shall get a Cash Prize of Rs.4000 and a Certificate of Appreciation of Merit.
  • Best Speaker shall be evaluated on the basis of performance in preliminary rounds.
  • The Best Researcher shall get a Cash Prize of Rs.4000 and a Certificate of Appreciation of Merit
  • All the members of the teams that entered into Quarter-Final and Semi-Final shall be awarded E-Certificates of Appreciation of Merit.
  • All the members of the other participating teams shall be awarded E-Certificates of Participation.
  • Free subscription for one year for the top 3 winning teams.Bronze Pack worth Rs. 999 from will be awarded to the winning teams, (

Final Rounds of Moot Court competition will be live on this link: Available Here

For any Further Queries Contact:

  1. Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary and Entrance Exams
  2. Legal Bites Academy – Ultimate Test Prep Destination

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