Internship Experience @Alba Law Office, New Delhi
Name of Law Student, College and Year of Study Akshay Kumar Sharma, Lloyd Law College, 5th Year Name of the organization Alba Law Office, New Delhi Duration of the internship 1st April, 2016-29th April 2016 How big was the office? It was a big office having a conference room, Director’s office, a smal kitchen which was used to… Read More »
Name of Law Student, College and Year of Study
Akshay Kumar Sharma, Lloyd Law College, 5th Year
Name of the organization
Alba Law Office, New Delhi
Duration of the internship
1st April, 2016-29th April 2016
How big was the office?
It was a big office having a conference room, Director’s office, a smal kitchen which was used to prepare tea for members.
Team strength
The office had 3 associates and a director. When I was interning there they had 5 interns to their office.
Application procedure
They have an online system for the application of internship prior to one month of your desired month you can apply. Internship contact details: Detailed application can be looked upon the website of the organisation
I did not require accommodation but they are easily available near Pragati Maidan and CP area in Delhi.
First impression
First day, formalities etc.: First day formalities included my introduction with the other associates at the office and the confirmation mail sent to me by the office was asked. The place allotted to interns was shown to me and briefed the kind of work interns have to do.
Main tasks (in detail)
Main tasks included writing of IPR news, writing short provisions of various acts.
Work environment, people
Work environment of the office was very good and people of the office were really good they used to help the interns if they had faced any doubt during their work.
Best things?
The associates of organisation were really helpful and supportive in solving the issues of the interns which most of the organisation lack.
Bad things
The interns have to reach the office by 10am and they do not have a time of leaving the office. They can leave after all the work of the day has been completed.
What did you do to chill?
As previously mentioned during my internship period there were 5-6 interns all were good and to chill there were snacks available and a cold drink can was always available which was accessible by the interns too.
Stipend/ month
Every internship does not provide stipend but the contacts and connections which I get from this internship are more important than any stipend.
Anything else you’d like to tell
The law students should do the internship to get good contacts and knowledge from the internships rather than going for only stipend based internship. No doubt stipend based internships also provide knowledge but it’s always advisable to intern without stipend in starting as you get some time for yourself to enjoy too.