Legal Bites, a tour de force | Best Online Law Education Platform 2020

A tour de force and an exceptional platform to educate and empower people, Legal Bites, has marked itself with various achievements. An ed-tech platform which promises to impart affordable and reliable content to their readers… Legal Bites has been recognised as the ‘Best Online Law Education Platform 2020’ in Indian Excellence Awards by APAC insider. With countless efforts and… Read More »

Update: 2020-03-31 03:41 GMT

A tour de force and an exceptional platform to educate and empower people, Legal Bites, has marked itself with various achievements. An ed-tech platform which promises to impart affordable and reliable content to their readers…

Legal Bites has been recognised as the ‘Best Online Law Education Platform 2020’ in Indian Excellence Awards by APAC insider. With countless efforts and positive work ethics, it has also managed to rank 6th among top 60 Indian Law Blogs by Feedspot.

Why are these significant achievements?

The value of achievement lies in achieving.” – Albert Einstein

The APAC Insider award seeks to provide a platform to represent the successful outcome of one’s work and challenging other firms to build a strong and exemplary online platform to propagate knowledge by enhancing their content.

Whereas, the rankings provided by Feedspot on the 60 best Indian Law Blogs include a huge range of competitors who seeks to fulfill the agenda of sharing and propagating law-related content, thus helping their readers to understand the in-depth concepts.

Who are the members of the Judging Panel?

The Judging Panel for APAC Insider awards comprises 5 impartial individuals who participate in complex and high standard research and analyze the results by focussing on essential and liable parameters. This category of awards also includes a highly modern and intellectual research team which helps in providing a strong basis for the desired outcome. However, the judgment for the 60 Indian Law Blogs follows a completely different criterion for nomination.

Feedspot’s team comprises of 25 intellectual individuals who aims to examine various online platforms like blogs, podcast, YouTube channels etc.

Reliable and indubitable results are achieved by following certain basic parameters of judgment like the relevancy of the content, the number of social media followers, frequency of the blog’s posts, age of the blog. Apart from this, the team also considers the ‘Alexa Web Traffic Rank’ as one of the parameters.

All of this is accompanied by a profound extensive research team who makes sure that no kind of negligence is observed while declaring the results.

Why were we chosen?

Legal Bites is dedicated to providing free and effective Law education to its readers. We believe that our work method and consistency has helped us to gain the respective position.

We put countless efforts to fulfil the needs of our agenda and respect the opinions of our readers. Our ongoing efforts to modify and enhance our work is what makes us ‘stand out in the crowd’. The initiative to highlight and publish vastly discussed legal issues have played a significant role in our achievements.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the readers and contributors for their continuous faith and support.

Legal Bites, a tour de force | Best Online Law Education Platform 2020

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