Live Blog JEMTEC: National Workshop on Advocacy and Professional Ethics

Greeting Everyone! Welcome to the live blog of One Day National Workshop on Advocacy and Professional Ethics organised by JEMTEC School of Law, affiliated to GGSIPU || || Live Blog JEMTEC National Workshop on Advocacy and Professional Ethics  – on Legal Bites We will keep everyone posted with the latest details, starting 3rd November, 9:20 AM. Stay Tuned!  10:00 AM – Inaugural… Read More »

Update: 2018-11-02 23:00 GMT

Greeting Everyone! Welcome to the live blog of One Day National Workshop on Advocacy and Professional Ethics organised by JEMTEC School of Law, affiliated to GGSIPU || || Live Blog JEMTEC National Workshop on Advocacy and Professional Ethics – on Legal Bites

We will keep everyone posted with the latest details, starting 3rd November, 9:20 AM. Stay Tuned!

10:00 AM – Inaugural Ceremony

The inaugural ceremony started at 10: 30 am. With great enthusiasm, the participants and the organizers started the programme. The Dean Dr. K. K. Geetha, the Director Dr. R. K. Raghuvanshi welcomed and facilitated our honourable guests, Mr. P. V. Dinesh, AOR supreme court of India and founder of Livelaw, M. R. Shamsad, AOR, Supreme court of India, and Ms. Vibha Datta Makhija, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.

After having a glance toward the institute’s success and growth over the years, the show moved with the lightening of lamps and Saraswati Vandana along with all the blessings of the superpower.

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The Director, Dr. R. K. Raghuvanshi, has taken the institute to another level of excellence, he has not only paid his time but also his hard work for. He enlightened us with his grateful words and told us the importance of hard work and time.

Moving on, next we had Mr. P. V. Dinesh, he is an AOR and founder of Livelaw. He is a very successful lawyer and he works with Indialaw firm. He told us that marks were not the element for the advocacy skills, it comes from within. Nobody can teach us the advocacy akills, we can be made excellent in Professional ethics but no one ccannot fill us with those skills. These skills are not only confined in the courtrooms, it’s not just about convincing the judge, it’s the persuading quality of a person. He is friends with the Dean, Dr. K. K. Geetha, he even recollected the memories of their law college that how they used to give this subject’s exams and thinking that this wouldn’t affect their score, coming to the actual importance of it.

After his words of wisdom, We had Mr. M. R. Shamsad, AOR Supreme Court of India. He let us to his definition of Advocacy skills and professional ethics, his theory was based on his personal experiences, making us aware of the merits of having a law degree and why we should study law. The prime duty is to serve the country, to serve the judiciary, to bring out social reforms. Wherever a lawyer he has a web around him. Other professions have their confined areas and people work in that boundary only but lawyers have to jump in every matter where there’s a dispute. So, it’s the duty of the lawyers to protect and preserve their client but not through unethical.

Moving on, Ms. Vibha Datta Makhija, Advocate, Supreme Court of India gave us her precious words, she approached us in a very calm manner, starting with the conduct of a businessman to the conduct of a lawyer. Quoting her- People will come to you not because of your knowledge but because of your communication and management. It is important to take sides, you cannot sit on one side and see things from there, everybody’s sense of morality is different and they have different ideologies. You have to know from both the sides, we cannot say that I’m neutral or opinionless. She also mentioned J H. R. Khanna because of his enormous contribution in ADM Jabalpur case, how he stood alone when he knew he was right in his position, that comes only from the skills which are present in the person.

On this note, the inaugural ceremony comes to an end with Dr. R. K. Raghuvanshi and Dr. K. K. Geetha facilitating the guests with the mementos. Dr. K. K. Geetha once again touched the subject and ended the ceremony gracefully. Afterward, Mr. P. V. Dinesh took a small session with all the participants and enlightened us with his knowledge of technology and law.

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