Live Blog VIPS DRCC 2018 - 2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS), Delhi (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) is hosting the 2nd edition of the Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition, 2018 from Friday, 6th April to Saturday, 7th April 2018 in association with Maadhyam-Council for Conflict Resolution. Legal Bites brings to you the Live Blog of the DRCC, 2018. || Live Blog VIPS… Read More »

Update: 2018-04-05 23:20 GMT

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS), Delhi (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) is hosting the 2nd edition of the Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition, 2018 from Friday, 6th April to Saturday, 7th April 2018 in association with Maadhyam-Council for Conflict Resolution. Legal Bites brings to you the Live Blog of the DRCC, 2018. || Live Blog VIPS DRCC 2018 – on Legal Bites

Teams from the following universities will be competing for the top spot this year –

  1. Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida
  2. Symbiosis Law School, Pune
  3. University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
  4. Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Vishakhapatnam
  5. Tamil Nadu National Law University, Tiruchirappalli
  6. Amity Law School, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
  7. Jagan Institute of Management Studies Engineering and Management Technical Campus, Delhi
  8. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow
  9. Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
  10. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun
  11. Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai
  12. Delhi Metropolitan Education, Greater Noida
  13. Campus Law Centre, Delhi University, Delhi
  14. Law College, Dehradun
  15. University Institute of Legal Studies, Punjab
  16. Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
  17. Christ University, Bangalore
  18. O.P. Jindal Global Law School, Sonepat
  19. Chandraprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies and School of Law, Delhi

We will keep everyone posted with the latest details, starting 6th April, 9:20 AM. Stay Tuned! Live Blog VIPS DRCC 2018 – on Legal Bites

DRCC – Day 1, Registration and Negotiation Rounds

The Registration process began at 8:15 A.M. sharp. The live-bloggers for the day are Vritti Gulati and Vatsal Saxena.

Preliminary Rounds (Negotiation)

9:30 A.M. – Confidential information of Preliminary round

The Participants were given confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

10.00 A.M. – Preliminary round

Courtroom 1

The judges repositioned themselves to bring themselves closer to the negotiation table. Upon noticing a visible change in the expressions of the participants, they encouraged the teams to calm down and assured them of total non-interference in the proceedings, assuming the role of silent observers.

Courtroom 3

The judges in this courtroom repeatedly questioned both the sides both on points of fact as well as of the law. In many instances, the participants failed to satisfactorily answer the queries of the judges and instead chose to move on with the discussion anyway, whereas at other times they had cogent answers to give.

Courtroom 13

Pin-drop silence on account of the participants’ inability to comprehend basic questions. The judges suggest the answers and the opposing team tries to reiterate their position.

Courtroom 9

Heated arguments persisted between the judges and participants for a long time and finally, the teams understood the judges’ points regarding the exposition of the criminal law.

Courtroom 7

The proceedings in this room were amicable. Both the sides managed to reach common ground before time. They concluded by settling the whole dispute by reading out their final mutually agreed terms.

The following teams have qualified for the quarter-finals –

  1. N-30
  2. N-56
  3. N-26
  4. N-14
  5. N-6
  6. N-42
  7. N-32
  8. N-38

Quarter-Final Rounds (Negotiations)

11.30 – Confidential information of Quarter-final rounds

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

12.00 P.M. – 1.00 P.M. – The top-ranked 8 teams faced-off to seal their spots in the semi-finals.

Courtroom 1 –
A packed room, a deadlock, and futile attempts to revive the negotiations and, if possible, conclude with a settlement. The teams were able to arrive at a consensual agreement at last, if only well outside the time limit.

Courtroom 2 –
An extremely engaging negotiating between two parties was marked by one side’s constant emotive appeals to their opponents’ conscience and the other side’s tireless attempts to bring the discourse back on the negotiation track.

Courtroom 3 –
The rounds started with the exchange of the contract of confidentiality. The teams stood their ground and tried to negotiate in the most harmonious way possible. The round ended with the judges pointing out the evident loopholes in their arguments.

Courtroom 4 –
Unlike the scenario in most other courtrooms throughout the day, the teams here managed to reach an amicable agreement well within the time limit, following which the judges engaged in a freewheeling conversation with the participants as to how they could improve their negotiation skills in future.

The following teams entered the semis –

1. N-30
2. N-6
3. N-32
4. N-42

1:00 P.M. – Lunch – After the two taxing rounds, the teams are now being ushered to the hall for a savory meal.

Semi-Final Rounds (Negotiations)

1:45 P.M. – Confidential information of Semi-final rounds

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

2:15 P.M. – Semi-final rounds begin in the respected courtrooms.

Courtroom 1 –
2:18 P.M.- The round commences here with the reiteration of the facts of the issue by the teams. A daunting silence seems to have fallen over the eager audience. The teams with the approval of the judges, begin their main arguments.

Courtroom 2 –
2:25 P.M.- The teams in this room seems to have stricken a balance, with their disputes being addressed to in a systematic order. The judges in this courtroom are active with their questions always ready for the counsels.

Courtroom 1 –
2:40 P.M.- The team opposite the counsel of the builders of the residential complex, stand by their grounds and refuse to drop the hat first.

Courtroom 2 –
2:50 P.M.- The teams accuse each other on grounds of dealing with the issues, offhandedly. The counsels are trying to split the differences that have resurfaced from the past.

Courtroom 1 –
3:05 P.M.- With the width of contrast increasing between the teams, the sight of a middle ground seems undetectable. Vehement arguments persistently continue from both the sides.

Courtroom 2 –
3:15 P.M.- After cordially arguing and by mutual concession, the teams reached a conclusion which respects both the sides. The judges after submitting their scoresheets discuss the shortcomings and the plus pointers of both teams.

Courtroom 1:-
3:25 P.M.- The teams in this room refusing to yield to the other, arrived at a deadlock. The judges then had a forthright conversation with the teams and drew the semi-finals to a close.

3:40 P.M. – Teams going to the Final Rounds:-
1. N 6
2. N 30

Final Rounds (Negotiations)

3:45 P.M. – Confidential information of Final rounds

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

4:00 P.M. – Final Rounds begin with the arrival of the judges and the dean of Vivekananda Law School, VIPS Mrs. Rashmi Salpekar welcomes them with a bouquet of flowers.

Judges for the final rounds are:-

Mrs.Nandini Gore
Mrs.Varuna Bhandari
Mr.Anupam Srivastava

4:02 P.M. – The final arguments begin with the iteration of the facts of the issue on behalf of both the counsels in the most subdued atmosphere of any courtroom so far.

4:13 P.M. – With affable negotiations brewing in the room and no clear direction, the audience becomes more watchful of the arguments unfolding in front of them.

4.26- The negotiations between the finalists continue to roll as the teams go back and forth with their demands. The judges have not asked any questions so far.

4.52 – As the negotiators end with an amicable conclusion well within the time limit, the audience lauds the finalists for having conducted themselves with so much dignity and patience in such a tense environment. This was followed by a post-analysis round, wherein Ms. Gore asked the participants some basic questions about negotiation and ended with her feedback of the participation of the teams.

Day 2 – Mediation Competition

8.15 – Good Morning guys! The live bloggers for today are Vritti Gulati and Vatsal Saxena.The registrations for today’s rounds begin as scheduled.

The following colleges are participating in today’s competition –

  1. Ideal Institute of Management and Technology, Delhi
  2. University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
  3. Amity Law School, Gurgaon
  4. National Law School, Tamil Nadu
  5. Amity Law School, Noida
  6. JIMS Engineering and Management Technical Campus, Delhi
  7. Symbiosis Law School, Pune
  8. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow
  9. Amity Law School, Delhi
  10. Institute of Law, Nirma University
  11. Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai
  12. Delhi Metropolitan Education, Greater Noida
  13. Galgotia University, Noida
  14. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun
  15. National Law University, Assam
  16. Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
  17. University Institute of Legal Studies, Punjab
  18. Campus Law Centre, Delhi University, Delhi
  19. Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Vishakhapatnam
  20. Jindal Global Law School, Sonepat

9.30. – 9.45. A.M. – Confidential information of Preliminary Rounds

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

10.00 A.M. – Preliminary Rounds (Mediation)

Court Room 6
10.05 A.M. – The competition begins with the mediater defining the process and deliberating upon the important points to consider in this simulated case. The teams state thier issues and suggest their respective solutions. Though the solutions seem satisfactory to the teams respective sides, the silent observers i.e., the judges try to help them by trying to dissolve the errors.

Court Room 7
10.23 A.M. – Emotions, drama, and disagreements clearly define the state of this courtroom. Mawkish statements by the clients clearly altered the atmosphere making it intense. The change managed to amuse the judges.

Court Room 14
10.40 A.M. – The session here managed to end amicably with the judges clearly impressed with the teams and their style of mediation and commended their dispute settlement capabilities.

Court Room 2
10.55 A.M. – The mediation session having been concluded well within time limit, the judges had a very engaging post analysis session with the participants detailing their strengths and weaknesses.

11.00 A.M. – Results of the preliminary rounds announced.

The following teams and mediators have qualified for the quarterfinals:-

1. M 13
2. M 19
3. M 17
4. M 09
5. M 25
6. M 53
7. M 29
8. M 51

1. MM 35
2. MM 53
3. MM 23
4. MM 39
5. MM 13
6. MM 27
7. MM 49
8. MM 31

Congratulations to the teams going forward. All the very best!

11.30 A.M. – Confidential information of Quarter-Final Rounds

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

12 Noon – Quarter-Final Mediation Rounds begin.
Judges and the teams have reached their respective courtrooms.

Court Room 1
12.07 P.M. – The mediators embarked upon the session in this room by introducing themselves and exchanging the contract of confidentiality between the two parties. The teams proceed by addressing their disputes to meditate upon.

Court Room 3
12.18 P.M. – Teams in this room proceed with presenting their disputes in front of the mediators with the opposition trying to rationalising their conduct. Both the teams denying the accusations put on them seem far from cordial. The mediators try their best to reach mutually agreed contentions.

Court Room 2
12.32 P.M. – One of the team requests the mediators for a personal session with the mediators. The mediators on mutual agreement give the teams 5 minutes respectively for a session. Mediators in these respective sessions try to reach a concurrence of contentions presented.

Court Room 4
12.52 P.M. – The teams reach a consensus and the mediators make the teams sign a memorandum of understanding to dilute all possible chances of a future discrepancy regarding the contentions laid. The Judges in the post-analysis round gave the teams honest feedback for future references leading to the closure of this round.

1.00 P.M. – Lunch – After the staining two sessions the teams are led to the lunchroom.

1.45 P.M. – Announcement of the results of the quarter-final rounds. The following teams and mediators have qualified for the semi-final rounds:-
1. M 13
2. M 53
3. M 09
4. M 51

1. MM 49
2. MM 35
3. MM 23
4. MM 13

Congratulations to the selected teams! All the very best!

1.55 P.M. – Confidential information of Semi-Final Rounds.

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

2.15 P.M. – Semi-Final Mediation Rounds begin.

Court Room 1
2.18 P.M. – The teams in this room start with a theatrical monologue by the clients and putting forth their expected reliefs. Unlike in other courtrooms, the judges here ask questions from the mediators contrasting their character of a silent spectator. The mediators by formally addressing the teams, prepare the grounds. There seems to be a tangible shift in the background, numbing the audience to a peculiar silence.

Court Room 2
2.35 P.M. – The teams deliberating upon each other’s lacunas, question each other to reach a clarity of disputes to settle. The teams now proceed to a personal session with the mediators. Both the teams consult the mediators on confidential matters and are assured of secrecy.

Court Room 1
2.43 P.M. – The mediators after listening to the respective proposals made by the teams suggest some important pointers to consider and help the teams to frame better, mutually agreeable proposals.

Court Room 2
2.55 P.M. – The teams on reaching common grounds give their consent to the mediators for the final drafting of the proposals. On final submission of the proposals, the judges question the teams and the mediators on the validity of unspecific and open-ended suggestions. By suggesting the teams a proper channel of mediation, the role of unaddressed legal lacunas in the same and giving them honest feedback gave this round a closure.

3.25 P.M. – Results of the semi-final rounds announced. the following teams and mediators have reached the final rounds.
1. M 51
2. M 13

1. MM 13
2. MM 49

Congratulations to the teams who qualified for the finals.
All the best!

3.30 P.M. – Confidential information of Final Rounds.

The Participants were given
confidential information regarding their respective sides and 15 minutes to process and deliberate on the same.

4.00 P.M. – Final Mediation Round begins with the arrival of the judges and the Dean of Vivekananda Law School, VIPS Mrs. Rashmi Salpekar welcomes them with a bouquet of flowers.

Judges for the final rounds are:-

Ms.Veena Ralli
Mr.J P Sengh
Mr.Sudhanshu Batra

4.04 P.M. – The final rounds begin with a formal introduction and the narration, by one of the mediators, of an anecdote introducing the role of a mediator. Soon afterwards, as one of the finalists was making the opening statement for their respective side, he said that their team, as a part of a mediation process, “was not here to win, but to win with.” Mediation in its true spirit, indeed !

4.30 P.M. – After a detailed statement of their respective sides of the story by both the parties, the teams finally began putting forward their demands, along with the mandatory share of finger-pointing, that is. The judges had remained entirely passive, though keenly observant,up to this point. In a particularly strong point in the disagreements between the finalists regarding the amount of monetary compensation, one of the participants betrayed an expression of deep frustration, which gave the judges as well as the entire audience something to laugh about.

4.55 P.M. – In spite of prolonged mediation and a private caucus with each of the parties, the mediators could not break the deadlock that had been reached between the sides. In the post-analysis session, all of the three judges lauded the mediators as well as the finalists for having performed excellently, though not without their own share of mistakes, which they addressed at length. They concluded with a word of advice to all aspiring mediators – to be extremely careful with their words because they set the tone for the discussion to come.

5.00 P.M. – Announcement for The Valedictory Ceremony.

5.05 P.M. – Though a repetitious idiolect to narrate an end, ‘Alls well that ends well’ just seems to be the apt way to describe the finale of the 2nd VIPS DRCC 2018. The Auditorium is packed with all the proud participants, students, teachers and the coordinators of the event.

5.10 P.M. – Suddenly a compelling silence hushed the budding excitement in the crowd, announcing the presence of the honorable guests of the evening. Making their way to the stage are Chief Guest of the event honorable Mr.Justice G.S. Sistani (Judge, Delhi High Court), Guest of Honour Mr.Sanjay Jain (former Additional Solicitor General), Advocate Mr. AS Chandhiok- President of Maadhyam International, Dr. S.C. Vats- Chairman of Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Mrs.Rashmi Salpekar- Dean of Vivekananda Law School and judges of the Mediation Final rounds.

5.12 P.M. – After the lightening of the lamp ceremony, Mr.AS Chandhiok addressed the audience on the importance of Mediation and Negotiation skills in upcoming lawyers and about Maadhyam’s pioneering work in this arena.
Mrs.Rashmi Salpekar recommended the value of honesty and the capacity to do hard work in the students.
Dr.SC Vats inspired everyone about being humble and making a difference in the society.

5.45 P.M. – Finally the most awaited moment arrived. The atmosphere of the auditorium witnessed the most uneasy war of trepidation and calm. As the results are announced, one can feel the aforementioned in the gasps and the sighs.

The following are the results of the 2 days competition:-


Best Team:- Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai
Runner-up Team:- University School of Law and Legal Studies, Delhi
Best Negotiator:- Mousami Panda (University School of Law and Legal Studies, Delhi)


Best Team:- Symbiosis Law School, Pune
Best Mediating Pair:- Dr.Ram Manohar Lohiya, National Law University, Lucknow
Best Mediator:- Yashaswi Rohra, Symbiosis Law School, Pune

6.15 P.M. – The curtain falls until next year.

Click Here to See the Pictures of Day 1 – VIPS DRCC

Click Here to See the Pictures of Day 2 – VIPS DRCC

Thank you so much to all the universities who participated in the 2nd VIPS DRCC 2018. We hope you had a great time with us. A big thank you to all our partners and sponsors, without your assistance the event wouldn’t have been a success.

Thank you to all readers here. A special thank you to Legal Bites for being our constant supporter.

Signing off.
2nd VIPS DRCC 2018

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