Write a short note on Muta Marriage under Muslim Law

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Update: 2022-04-18 04:00 GMT

Question: Write a short note on Muta Marriage under Muslim Law.

Find the question and answer of Muslim Law only on Legal Bites. [Write a short note on Muta Marriage under Muslim Law.]


Muta marriage is a temporary marriage and it is a ‘marriage for sexual pleasure’ for a fixed period of time. It is only recognized by Shia Muslims.

The essentials of Muta marriage are:-

  1. The period of cohabitation should be fixed.
  2. Dower should be fixed.
  3. If dower specified, term not specified, it could amount to permanent or regular marriage.
  4. If the term fixed dower is not specified, it amounts to void marriage.

The husband and wife don’t have any mutual right of inheritance. The children born out of such marriage are legitimate and have the right to inherit the properties of both parents. Muta Marriage can be terminated by expiry of the time period, death of either party or Hiba-I-Muddat, i.e. the husband gifts the unexpired term of the marriage.


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