What Do I Expect From My Law School?

There are so many misconceptions about doing law in India. The most common one is people who are not good at studies do law. This is not true in today’s world. Getting into a law school is no easy task. We do not have a plenitude of colleges. Out of the students who take exams only 2% secure… Read More »

Update: 2018-11-12 07:09 GMT

There are so many misconceptions about doing law in India. The most common one is people who are not good at studies do law. This is not true in today’s world. Getting into a law school is no easy task. We do not have a plenitude of colleges. Out of the students who take exams only 2% secure admissions into law schools. While so much efforts are put forth, I have high expectations from my law school. From academics to extra-curricular I want it all in my law school. I want it to be a place worth studying and at the same time letting me explore my interests. || What Do I Expect From My Law School?

Here is what I expect from my Law School

1. Goodwill

My law school should have a brand name. People in the legal fraternity must know about my law school. Brand name in the market assures good faculty, good curriculum, overall student development, better placements, and stronger alumni base.

We will get a lot of learning opportunities as well as a recognition of studying in an esteemed institution. A reputed institution helps students in developing a positive attitude towards life. It teaches us that getting a job is not the goal of life but finding one’s passion. A reputed institution would always thrive to keep up the brand name as well as help us in building our future.

2. Congenial faculty:

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. ~ Brad Henry

This quote says it all. I want my teachers to be energetic, interactive, making us understand the importance of studying a particular subject, showing interest in solving our doubts and giving us insights into our legal career.

Not just teaching faculty but administrative staff plays a key role too. The administration is the foundation of any educational institution. From selecting teaching faculty, setting educational aims and standards to conducting various extra-curricular activities, admission process, addressing grievances they do it all. It is important to have a supporting administrative staff that look into our problems and solve it.

3. Nurturing environment:

Law is not just about learning theory but it is the ability to put the theory into practice. What can be better than implementing it from the very beginning of our legal education?

I want my law school to conduct practices and competitions like moot courts, debates, judgment deliberation competitions, model united nations conference, essay writing competitions to develop public speaking, negotiating skills and drafting skills. My law school should conduct guest lectures so as to give an exposure to the legal world, understand the trend and explore career options.

4. Extra-curricular activities:

Such involvements in extra-curricular activities help young people discover and share talents, develop character and competence and often provide the added benefit of close relationships with caring, principled adults outside the home. ~Steve Duncan

Participating in activities which we are passionate about apart from curriculum help us concentrate and manage our time better which will contribute to higher grades. My college should organize various extra-curricular activities like sports, developing an art, learning a new language, cultural fest, organizing social service league. Through this, we will get to interact with a lot of people including our seniors, students from other colleges and thus make contacts.

5. Alumni interaction:

Nobody cares for an institution more than its Alumni. ~ Narayan Murthy

It is necessary that we get an opportunity to interact with our alumni through a series of educational programs and guest lectures. Interacting with alumni will give us an idea of the trends in the legal field, career path after law, other opportunities, solve various doubts regarding career. Interacting with alumni will help us make contacts, receive a plethora of information and knowledge from their experience. Moreover alumni act as our role model. They set an example for us as to what we are supposed to do and what should be our goal. It is through their insights that we come closer to our goals.

6. Library and Online resources:

Law degree involves a lot of reading. One needs to learn what law is an academician’s opinion of it from scratch. Also, the life of a law student revolves around acts, statutes, moots, research papers, studying all day long, preparing for exams, making memorials and drafting.

So, there is a need of plenitude of books dealing with various aspects of law, novels of various genre also online resources to search for various cases, national and international journals, and law reports. It is necessary to have a library that caters to all these needs.

7. Friendly seniors:

I hope my law school has stringent anti-ragging rules. I expect from my law school that we have friendly seniors, ones who are ready to help and guide us through college life and help in internships. It is basically the interaction with seniors that gives us an idea about the culture and environment of the college and how we are going to survive our law school.

8. Students’ committees:

There should be various students’ committees organizing events in the college. Through this, we will get an opportunity to take part in organizing the events, be a part of marketing, public relations, logistics, managing participants and judges departments.

This will basically develop the skill of getting our things done and being a part of the core committee assisting in organizing would be a new experience.

9. Active placement cell:

At the end of the day, it is about getting employment. If a college is very good and still there are no companies coming for placements I will give that law school a second thought. I can’t just work hard and remain unemployed. An active placement cell is a must. Getting good internships is requisite because it reflects in our CV. Also guidance as to how to make a resume and mock interviews are important so that we can confidently walk into an interview prepared and ready to face the potential employer.

Through placement cell companies walk into our campus without us having to knock on various doors for jobs. It is necessary that good law firms come for placements in my law school.

These are the things that I expect from my law school. If I am investing my time and money I want it to be rewarding and my law school journey worth remembering.

By – Priyanka Chauhan

Government Law College, Mumbai

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