What's at stake for law students? A plan almost Perfect!

What’s at stake for law students? A plan almost Perfect! Starting from learning the difference between an act and an Act, to interpreting statutes by ourselves, we all grew up. Time-bound assignments to moot court activities though seem a little intimidating, but those were the opportunities that helped to unravel our bold, vivacious character, only to fall in… Read More »


Update: 2020-07-09 00:38 GMT
Whats at stake for law students A plan almost Perfect!
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What’s at stake for law students? A plan almost Perfect!

Starting from learning the difference between an act and an Act, to interpreting statutes by ourselves, we all grew up. Time-bound assignments to moot court activities though seem a little intimidating, but those were the opportunities that helped to unravel our bold, vivacious character, only to fall in love with the Law.

Final Stage, was it?

Yes, of course, we are in the edge of our law student life, planning our future endeavours, hoping to practice Law, following our ideal’s footsteps. More eagerly awaiting for our wings to finally leave the nest and fly into the legal world.

I am more of a student who bunked classes only to spend a little more time in the library preparing for moot court competitions rather adventures. When the first notification of lockdown was released, I was in the midst of a moot court competition at a prestigious law college.

There were students from different parts of the country, which worried us more. Me and my team same as other teams present there were longing to get back home. The organisers wound up the competition a day earlier complying with the notification. Reaching back home was liberating.

Then the chain of events followed, colleges shut down, cleared public places, social distancing and wearing mask made compulsory, in short everyone are thriving to take all the measures to overcome this challenging situation we are in.

What was the plan?

As of our academic calendar, we were supposed to be heading to our campus selection interviews by now, before our final examinations. We were groomed for so long for this moment, but now it seems we have furthermore time at our disposal.

What’s ideal for NOW?

We all know yet tend to forget, Time is the best thing one can never get back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time” – Mozart.

1. Making up for the lost time

Being a law student isn’t easy and we make sure people around us understand that by cancelling plans with friends, not showing up at family functions, always looking rather fighting for latest edition books at the library, dwelling in our gadgets just to find that one case law to make your case unbeatable in moots, we missed our social life. And the first light thing we all agree we need to do is to appreciate our family for their patience and our friends for always re-scheduling the plans.

In my opinion, it’s a second chance for all of us to reconcile with estranged relationships with our parents, siblings and long lost good friends, whom we knew to be helpful to us when we were fragile.

2. Undo poor performances

Law students are unfortunately familiar with the term back papers. I know a few students who have more than 10 subjects pending, always whine about lack of time to clear them all. Now is the time one has to utilise the same in preparing themselves to graduate with their fellow classmates. I believe we have been given once in a millennium chance to undo poor performances in academics.

If we being a part of future law society do not see everything with an advantageous perspective then we aren’t much of a budding lawyer.

3. Online approach to studies

We are definitely not new to the online classes or video lectures as we used these sources before to revise or to clear any doubts during study holiday, just before the finals. Now our beloved lecturers who had gone out of their way to accommodate us, some of them are recently getting familiarised with such technology, doing their best to keep up with the fast-changing world and only to support us and see us succeed in our life.

4. Reach out to Mentors

If you don’t already have one, I suggest you find one. Mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor. The one person you go to when in career crisis or for just an assurance as to be in the right direction. These great souls help us understand ‘what is next?’ how is the practice market and what do the employers expect from you, and they groom you to be the best version of yourself.

5. Train your Brain

Most important thing to do is to convince your brain to cope with the situation and to adjust it’s pace to the ‘new normal’. Post outbreak is never easy and it won’t be as simple as ‘back to normal’. Therefore training oneself for the ‘new normal’ is necessary.

6. Keep Tabs on Legal Developments

When we move past the wake of COVID-19, we better not be surprised with the vast changes that are taking place in the legal field. The legal challenges our seniors are facing. ‘A never seen before’ type of legal issues, a new interpretation of contract laws, doctrines and taste of virtual courts, these are the things we are missing. So I would suggest to reach out to the seniors you interned for or advocates you know, try to get an idea of ‘new normal’ in our field and brace yourself accordingly.

7. Get Creative

Creativity is hidden in every person, it’s only a matter of time we explore them. As far as extracurricular creativity goes, until now many of us have explored an artist, singer, writer, etc., within ourselves. But focusing a little on the academic creativity would boost our journey towards being a successful jurist.

Of course, being in the final year you have dreamt about where you want to be after graduation. In case the circumstances have closed your way or delayed it, get creative to move past those obstacles and materialize that dream.

8. Make connections

Find a way to impress your dream employers, reach out, make connections, time is definitely of the great essence when you plan on being successful.

9. Challenge yourself

When you are determined in bringing your best version out, look at the mirror and find your flaws. Make it your aim to overcome those flaws, this is the best chance to groom your personality, to reach that stage where people get inspired by your story. If you want to be proud of yourself, work on it, improve your legal knowledge, study case laws and research precedents, get familiarised with doctrines and principles of law. The only excuse you had before was lack of time. Do you need more time? Ask yourself.

Authored by – Vidya B Puthran,

5 year, B.A.LL.B student at VBCL, KSLU

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