Mayank Shekhar

Mayank Shekhar

Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.

Study the following circumstances and determine the validity of the gift under the Mohammedan Law. Substantiate your answers with reasons:-  1. A Muslim male makes a gift of his house to his sons with a condition that one-third of the income derived from the house has to be given to one Mr. X during his lifetime. Is the condition and the gift valid.  2. A makes a gift to B and delivers its possession to B. He then changes his mind and decides to revoke the gift. Is the revocation valid?  3. Y makes a gift of his property to Z. After Ys death, his heirs revoke the gift and disentitle Z from the use of Ys Property. Is the revocation valid?
Wakf means the permanent dedication by a person professing the Muslim faith of any property, for any purpose, recognised by the Mohammedan Law as religious, Pious, or charitable. Comment upon this statement and explain the essentials; of a valid Wakf under Muslim Law. Examine the validity of the following Wakfs. Giving reasons for your answers:- 1. The Wakf of a Muslim for a mosque or a burial ground. 2. The Wakf of a dower debt. 3. A Wakf for erecting and maintaining a Church opposite the house of the Wakf. 4. A Wakf to maintain a college for teaching Muslim and Hindu Jurisprudence.