Call for Papers: ALSG Law Journal, Volume 3 | Amity Law School
The ALSG Law Journal, Amity Law School Gurugram is pleased to Call for Papers for its Volume 3, Issue 1.

The ALSG Law Journal, Amity Law School Gurugram is pleased to Call for Papers for its 3rd Volume. The ALSG Law Journal is published by the Amity Law School, AUH Haryana. Recently, Amity Law School (ALS), Gurugram, has been ranked #27 in India by NIRF 2022.
The Journal welcomes contributions that are original, unpublished, and up to date. The authors are not restricted to any particular area of Law. It is a multidisciplinary interface with Law. Therefore, submissions of an inter-disciplinary/multi-disciplinary nature analyzing contemporary legal issues are encouraged.
About the Institution
Amity Law School (ALS), under the Faculty of Law, a part of Amity University Haryana, Gurugram, was established under Haryana Act 10 of 2010. Amity Law School offers regular programmes approved by Bar Council of India (BCI) such as B.A. LL.B (H), B.B.A. LL.B (H), B.Com. LL.B (H). It also offers LL.M (one year) in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Corporate Law.
About ALSG Journal
The ALSG Journal is a platform for legal scholars, researchers, students, and lawyers to share their original and insightful work on various socio-legal topics. The Journal aims to foster critical dialogue and awareness on the contemporary issues of law and society. The Editorial Board of the ALSG Journal welcomes submissions of Articles, Notes, Comments, and Book Reviews for its upcoming issue.
Submission Guidelines
- Long Articles - 3,000 to 5,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- Short Articles - 2,000 to 3,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- Case Notes/Book Reviews - 1,200 to 2,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- All articles, notes and comments should provide a brief abstract of 250-300 words.
- Co-Authorship is allowed upto 2 authors.
Note: Submissions not as per guidelines will be outrightly rejected.
Formatting Guidelines
- Text: Font shall be Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Spacing 1.5.
- Foot note: Font shall be Times New Roman, Font size 10, spacing 1.
- Title of the Paper: Times New Roman, Bold, Font size 14, Centre Aligned
- Abstract: Times New Roman, Font size 11
- Headings: Times New Roman, Bold, Font Size 12, Centre Aligned
- Sub-Headings: Times New Roman, Italics, Font Size 12, Left Aligned
- Bullet Points should be avoided in the text of the submission, small roman numbers could be used instead.
- Citation Methodology to be followed, Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition [Click here to know more]
Registration Fee
- No publication fee will be charged.
- In case of a request for a hard copy, a nominal fee will be charged.
Registration & Submission Link: [Click here to Submit]
Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information should be sent to:
- Email:
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams