NMIMS Student Law Review invites original and unpublished manuscripts for its upcoming Volume VII. Scroll down for more details!

NMIMS Student Law Review invites original and unpublished manuscripts including but not limited to, long articles, short articles, case notes, and case comments for its upcoming Volume VII.

About the Institution

SVKM’s NMIMS is a privately deemed university located in Mumbai. About the Journal, The NMIMS Student Law Review is the flagship law journal of NMIMS Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai, established with the objective of providing a forum for students to engage in quality legal discourse that captures the zeitgeist of contemporary legal issues.

With this, the journal strives to promote and foster a culture of serious academic research and writing. The remit of the journal is not just limited to any particular area of law, and submissions of an interdisciplinary nature analyzing contemporary legal issues are encouraged.

About Call for Papers

The NMIMS Student Law Review invites original and unpublished manuscripts, including but not limited to, long articles, short articles, case notes, and case comments, discussing issues from different facets of corporate and business laws.

Categories for Submissions

  • Book Review (2000-4000 words): Book reviews are also welcome. The review must be a crisp account of recently published books on corporate and business law themes, including the issues explored and the related arguments of the author.
  • Case Notes & Comments (1500-3000 words): This category includes both case notes and comments that involve a pivotal assessment of any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement, legislation, or bill. The focus must be on a relatively recent bill (pronounced after April 2024) pronouncement or legislation.
  • Long Article (5000-8000 words): This category includes submissions that comprehensively analyze a contemporary legal issue that the author(s) seeks to highlight. It must either indicate the lacunae or holistically cover the subject matter while offering a critical analysis of the chosen theme.
  • Short Article (3000-5000 words): This category includes submissions that conduct an in-depth study of more specific issues and, albeit in a concise manner, give the reader an insight into the legal issue identified by the author.

Themes (included but not limited to)

1. Alternate Investment Funds (Ex. Private Equity, Venture Capital, REITs, etc.)

  • Cryptocurrency legislative framework (comparative analysis)
  • Transparency and regulation for alternative investment funds

2. Banking Laws (Ex. Lending, Borrowing, NBFCs, Microfinancing, etc.)

  • Cybersecurity and data protection laws
  • Regulation for high unemployment/inflation

3. Competition/Antitrust Laws

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Current and Prospective Legislative Framework

4. Corporate Law (Ex. Corporate Governance, Commercial Laws, etc.)

  • Arbitration agreements
  • Balancing of interests for stakeholders during insolvency/mergers

5. Foreign Exchange & International Trade

  • Treaties for business
  • Arbitrage

6. Insolvency & Bankruptcy Laws

  • Legislative framework for cross-border insolvency
  • Valuation of insolvents

7. Securities Law (Ex. Capital & Debt Markets)

  • Smart Contracts
  • Cryptocurrencies as assets and/or derivatives

8. Tax Laws (Ex. Direct & Indirect Tax Laws)

  • New Finance Bill
  • Double taxation treaties

9. Sports Law

  • Contract Law
  • Personality Rights/IP

10. Technology Law

  • Cryptocurrencies/Smart Contracts
  • Data Protection Laws


The submissions must fall within the main themes mentioned above (1-10), however, the sub-themes are merely descriptive and suggestive rather than authoritative. Any topic that is not within the purview of the sub-themes would be given equal consideration on merit.

Submission Guidelines

Please find the submission guidelines here.

You will be redirected to the website, kindly refer to the General Style Guide.

How to Submit?

  • All manuscripts must be emailed in .docx format. No other mode of submission will be accepted. Submissions are to be sent through an email (please find the email ID at the end of the post).
  • If there is a co-author, ensure that both the authors are CC’d in the email that is sent to Law Review and in the signoff of the email, such as:


X and Y"

Where to Submit?

E-mail manuscripts to lawreview@nmims.edu with the subject line Submission for NMIMS Student Law Review Vol VII.

Submission Deadline

6th September 2024.


In case of any queries, please contact lawreview@nmims.edu.

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