How to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents?
The article sheds light on how one can avoid motorcycle accidents and choose the right representative.

There were 386 motorcycle accidents in Palm Beach County in 2021, up from 375 the previous year. It is worth mentioning that there were 1010 motorcycle accidents in Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida. This is almost twice as many as in Palm Beach County.
Motorists in cars, large vehicles, pickups, and semis must remember to share the road with motorcyclists and the many dangers they confront. Accidents involving motorcycles are more common than those involving automobiles or trucks for a number of reasons, including the riders' lack of protective gear, the bikes' diminutive size, and the lack of visibility. Some causes of these motorcycle accidents include:
The National Highway Traffic Safety Association says that 36% of fatal motorcycle accidents involve left-turn incidents. When a car doesn't see a motorcyclist or has an inaccurate perception of its speed, it causes the most frequent kind of motorbike accident: a frontal collision.
Distracted Drivers
Red light runners, drivers engrossed in their phones, and cars and trucks following too closely threaten motorcyclists as they approach intersections and stoplights. Motorcycle accidents at junctions usually happen out of the blue and leave riders either slashed in the face or dragged down the road as they try to avoid being struck. Intersections are the sites of almost 50% of motorbike accidents involving other types of vehicles.
Lane Takeover or Splitting
Even in a large vehicle, being in the middle of your lane as another vehicle unexpectedly swerves into yours may be terrifying. The result, however, is all too often tragically deadly for motorcyclists due to blind areas. Motorcyclists aren't necessarily hardwired to watch for vehicles, but drivers should be doing just that.
Car Hit
A biker and their passenger are particularly vulnerable at low speeds, when even a little collision may cause serious injuries or force them into oncoming traffic. Among the most prevalent kinds of motorcycle collisions, rear-end accidents are responsible for the deaths of 7% of riders.
Group Ride Hit
We've all seen those gatherings of bikers out on the weekend, taking it easy and enjoying the ride together. Accidents may happen to anybody, including friends riding motorcycles, if they are careless, distracted, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or just do not know how to ride a motorbike.
Car Door Hit
It may seem like something out of a TV comedy, but real accidents involving drivers who don't check both ways before opening their doors wide open occur. The motorist is responsible for the accident since they struck the motorbike with their door.
Motorcycle riders in West Palm Beach still face a high risk of injury, regardless of whether they use protective gear, like a helmet, in the event of an accident. Injuries such as burns, scars, muscle rips, shattered bones, traumatic brain injury, excruciating road rash, debilitating limb injuries, and so on are all possibilities.
The victim of a motorbike accident may find it difficult to decide who is to blame in the incident on their own. Let's pretend you're a motorcyclist from West Palm Beach who another motorist hurt. The personal injury lawyers at Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath can investigate the accident, collect relevant evidence, and coordinate with medical professionals, insurance companies, and at-fault drivers to get the necessary care and compensation.
Things Motorcyclists Can Do to Stay Safe
The Governor's Commission on Motorcycle Safety and Education has issued the following safety regulations to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents and the unfortunate deaths of riders:
Be Attentive
Crossing crossings and making a left turn need extra vigilance from drivers. Check both lanes for motorcyclists since this is the most accident-prone area.
Increase Your Distance
Things that seem inconvenient to you on the road may be dangerous for motorcyclists. Many road and traffic hazards might cause motorcycle riders to abruptly alter their speed or lane position, including gravel, wet or slippery roads, pavement joints, railroad intersections, textured pavement, and holes. Increase the distance to three or four seconds to give motorcyclists more room to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
Remember that motorcyclists have the right to a whole lane to themselves while driving. Treat motorcycles with the same respect as any other vehicle on the road. Commute safety is paramount.
Don't Drink and Drive
The use of alcohol contributes to half of all motorcycle accidents; drive sober at all times. Keep your sobriety intact under all circumstances. Don’t drink and drive, at any cost.
Regardless of their skill level, these riders must prioritize safe riding and get sufficient instruction before hitting the road. Many of our motorcycle accident clients have concerns about personal injury legislation, such as what constitutes negligence, how to establish that another party was legally liable for their injuries, and how to get financial compensation for their suffering. Additionally, they would want to know any potential pitfalls or difficulties arising after submitting a claim. We are dedicated to offering you the same level of assistance and professionalism that our lawyers have provided for decades while fighting for motorcyclists.
Get Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer
The Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath - West Palm Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath can assist you if you or a loved one has suffered severe harm or death as a result of a motorbike accident. Talk to us about your motorbike accident case during our free consultation.
Get in touch with us now to set up your appointment!
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