About The Centre for Law and Society of Gujarat National Law University invites research papers for the Annual Legal Services Forum, 2018 on the following: Themes I. Custom versus Constitution Jallikattu Triple Talaq Beef Ban The Right of Women to Enter Places of Worship II. Social Welfare and Universal Basic Income (UBI) UBI as an alternative to present… Read More »

About The Centre for Law and Society of Gujarat National Law University invites research papers for the Annual Legal Services Forum, 2018 on the following: Themes I. Custom versus Constitution Jallikattu Triple Talaq Beef Ban The Right of Women to Enter Places of Worship II. Social Welfare and Universal Basic Income (UBI) UBI as an alternative to present social welfare schemes UBI and its impact on government treasury UBI and liberation of marginalized communities and women III. Refugees...


The Centre for Law and Society of Gujarat National Law University invites research papers for the Annual Legal Services Forum, 2018 on the following:


I. Custom versus Constitution

  • Jallikattu
  • Triple Talaq
  • Beef Ban
  • The Right of Women to Enter Places of Worship

II. Social Welfare and Universal Basic Income (UBI)

  • UBI as an alternative to present social welfare schemes
  • UBI and its impact on government treasury
  • UBI and liberation of marginalized communities and women

III. Refugees in SAARC

  • Refugees and National Security
  • Status and Rights of Intra-Country Refugees
  • Need for a SAARC-centric Convention on Refugee Protection
  • SAARC, Gender-based Persecution and Forced Migration

IV. Right to Privacy

  • Right to Privacy and National Security
  • Right to Privacy and Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code
  • Data Privacy and Technology
  • Surrogacy and Privacy

V. Working Women and Welfare

  • Regulation of the informal sector
  • The balancing act between motherhood and work
  • Evaluation of sexual harassment prevention laws and their efficacy in the workplace

Note: The research paper must address only one of the five themes specified hereinabove. Authors may address one or more of the sub-themes specified under each theme in their paper.


1. Participation is invited from students enrolled bonafide on a regular basis in an undergraduate/ postgraduate law course or its equivalent conducted by any recognized college/ university/ institution in India or any SAARC nation.
2. Only one submission per author shall be entertained.
3. Co-authorship by a maximum of 2 students is permitted.

Important Note

1. All entries are due on 20 February 2018.
2. Five entries per theme shall be shortlisted for presentation on 13 and 14 April 2018 at the 3rd GNLU Annual Legal Services Forum 2018. Authors whose entries are shortlisted shall be intimated of their selection for presentation and any accommodation charges to be paid, via e-mail by the 1st week of March 2018.
3. Authors of the shortlisted entries will receive a certificate of paper presentation. All other participants will be given electronic certificates of participation.
4. A Panel of Evaluators shall be constituted to select the Best Paper under each theme and the Overall Best Paper.

Guidelines for Submission

1. The paper must be authored in English only.
2. The paper should be the original work of the author(s). Plagiarized entries and paper(s) published elsewhere or selected/ submitted for publication elsewhere shall be rejected.
3. The word limit is 5000 – 6000 words, not including footnotes.
4. The paper should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and Line Spacing 1.5.
5. The footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and Line Spacing 1.
6. The margins should be 1” or 2.54 cm on all sides.
7. All text should be justified.
8. Every citation must follow the Harvard Bluebook, 19th edition.

Submission Procedure

1. The entries must be sent by email to legalservices@gnlu.ac.in with the subject ‘GALSF 2018 Research Paper’.
2. The body of the e-mail must specify the name(s) of the author(s).
3. The paper may be attached in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
4. The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document attached to the e-mail:

  • Theme Chosen
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name(s) of the Author(s):
  • College/ Institute/ University of Author(s)
  • Programme Enrolled In & Year of Study of Author(s)
  • E-mail address & Contact No. of Author(s)


1. The authors of all papers shortlisted for presentation during the Forum shall be awarded Certificates of Participation.
2. The author(s) of the Best Paper under each theme will be awarded a Certificate of Merit.
3. The author(s) of the Overall Best Paper will be awarded a Certificate of Merit and a cash award of INR 5,000 and a trophy.


1. Mr. Sameer Rashid Bhat, Student Convener,
GNLU Centre for Law and Society,
Ph: +91 9998925880;
Email: sameer.gnlu@gmail.com

2. Ms. Gayathree Devi, K. T.,
Student Co-Convener,
GNLU Centre for Law and Society,
Ph: +91 8511970905;
Email: gayathree.d@gmail.com

3. Mr. Jayaditya Mallik, Secretary,
GNLU Centre for Law and Society,
Ph: +91 9909964944;
Email: jayaditya.m@gmail.com

4. Mr. Akshat Kumar,
Student Coordinator,
Legal Services Committee,
Ph: +91 8797419810;
Email: akshathardy@gmail.com

For further details, please visit the website link given here.

Updated On 18 March 2020 4:53 AM


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