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Q.1) The term ‘Pleading’ means:

[A] Plaint

[B] Written Statement

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] None of the Above

Q.2) Order VI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 contains ---------- Rules.

[A] 17

[B] 18

[C] 19

[D] 20

Q.3) Order VI of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Pleadings

[B] Plaint

[C] Written Statement

[D] None of the Above

Q.4) As per Order VI, Rule 2 of Civil Procedure Code pleadings shall contain:

[A] Material Facts and not Evidence

[B] Evidence

[C] Both Material Facts and Evidence

[D] None of the Above

Q.5) Order VI, Rule 2 (3) of Code of Civil Procedure provides that dates, sums and numbers shall be expressed in a pleading in:

[A] Figures

[B] Words

[C] Either Figures or Words

[D] Both Figures and Words

Q.6) Pleadings under Order VI of Code of Civil Procedure must be signed by:

[A] Party

[B] Pleader

[C] Either Party or Pleader

[D] None of the Above

Q.7) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 requires that every pleading, when filed by a party, shall be accompanied by a statement in the prescribed form regarding the address of the party?

[A] Order VI, Rule 13

[B] Order VI, Rule 14

[C] Order VI, Rule 15

[D] Order VI, Rule 14 A

Q.8) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides that no pleading shall, except by way of amendment, raise any new ground of claim?

[A] Order VI, Rule 5

[B] Order VI, Rule 6

[C] Order VI, Rule 7

[D] Order VI, Rule 8

Q.9) Order VI, Rule 14 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Presumption of Law

[B] Pleadings must be signed

[C] Address for Service of Notice

[D] Verification of Pleadings

Q.10) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 requires that every pleading shall, when necessary, be divided into paragraphs, numbered consecutively, each allegation being, so far as is convenient, contained in a separate paragraph?

[A] Order VI, Rule 2

[B] Order VI, Rule 3

[C] Order VI, Rule 4

[D] Order VI, Rule 5

Q.11) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for the particulars to be contained in a plaint?

[A] Order VII Rule 1

[B] Order VII, Rule 2

[C] Order VII, Rule 3

[D] Order VII, Rule 4

Q.12) Order VI, Rule 16 of Code of Civil Procedure provides that the Court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be struck out or amended any matter in any pleading:

[A] which may be unnecessary, scandalous, frivolous or vexatious

[B] which may tend to prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trail of the suit

[C] which is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court

[D] All of the Above

Q.13) Order VI, Rule 3 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Pleadings to State Material Facts and not Evidence

[B] Forms of Pleadings

[C] Particulars to be given when necessary

[D] Condition Precedent

Q.14) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with Verification of Pleadings?

[A] Order VI, Rule 12

[B] Order VI, Rule 13

[C] Order VI, Rule 14

[D] Order VI, Rule 15

Q.15) Order VI, Rule 17 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Amendment to Pleadings

[B] Striking Out Pleadings

[C] Failure to amend the Pleadings

[D] None of the above

Q.16) Under Order VI, Rule 16 of CPC, the Court can strike out the pleadings on the ground that it is:

[A] Scandalous

[B] Unnecessary

[C] Vexatious

[D] All of the Above

Q.17) Order VI, Rule 8 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Condition Precedent

[B] Departure

[C] Denial of Contract

[D] Effect of Document to be stated

Q.18) According to the provisions of Order VI, Rule 18 of Civil Procedure Code, a party may be allowed to amend its pleadings within:

[A] 10 days

[B] 12 days

[C] 14 days

[D] 18 days

Q.19) Order VI, Rule 15 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Verification of Pleadings

[B] Pleadings to be Signed

[C] Presumtion of Law

[D] Notice

Q.20) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for the power of the Court to strike out pleadings?

[A] Order VI, Rule 15

[B] Order VI, Rule 16

[C] Order VI, Rule 17

[D] Order VI, Rule 18

Q.21) Which of the following Statements are true?

[A] Affidavits shall be confined only to such facts as the deponent is able of his own knowledge to prove.

[B] Affidavits can be confined only to Statements of beliefs.

[C] Affidavits cannot be confined to Statement of beliefs only, on interlocutory applications.

[D] None of the Above.

Q.22) Order VII, Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] When Plaintiff Sues as representative

[B] Where the Subject Matter of the Suit is immovable Property

[C] Particulars to be contained in a Plaint

[D] Defendant's Interest and Liability to be shown

Q.23) How many particulars shall be necessarily contained in plaint as are provided under Order VII, Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure?

[A] 6

[B] 7

[C] 8

[D] 9

Q.24) Where the plaintiff seeks recovery of money the plaint shall state the

[A] Precise Amount Claimed

[B] Value in amount of US $

[C] Stamp Value of Plaint

[D] None of the above

Q.25) According to the provisions of Order VII, Rule 3 of Civil Procedure Code, the subject matter of the suit is immovable property the plaint shall contain the:

[A] reflection of that property

[B] a description of the property sufficient to identify it

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] None of the above

Q.26) Order VII, Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure provides that the plaint shall contain:

[A] the facts constituting the cause of action and when it arose

[B] the relief which the plaintiff claims

[C] the facts showing that the Court has jurisdiction

[D] all of the Above

Q.27) Issues arise when __________ propositions of law or fact are affirmed by one party and denied by the other.

[A] Relevant

[B] Material

[C] Necessary

[D] Disputed

Q.28) Order VI, Rule 16 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Verification of Pleadings

[B] Striking out Pleadings

[C] Amendment of Pleadings

[D] Failure to amend the Pleadings

Q.29) In pleadings, whenever it is material to allege malice, fraudulent intention, knowledge or other condition of mind of any person

[A] Specific circumstances from which the same is to be inferred shall be stated

[B] Evidence of circumstances from which the same is to be inferred must be stated

[C] It shall be sufficient to allege the same as a fact

[D] None of the above

Q.30) Which provision of Code of Civil Procedure provides for stating the grounds of exemption from limitation law in the plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 3

[B] Order VII, Rule 4

[C] Order VII, Rule 5

[D] Order VII, Rule 6

Q.31) Order VII of Civil Procedure Code deals with:

[A] Pleadings

[B] Plaint

[C] Written Statement

[D] Affidavits

Q.32) Which of the reliefs shall be necessarily stated in the plaint?

[A] Specific Relief

[B] General Relief

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] None of the Above

Q.33) Order VII, Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure provides that the plaint shall contain:

[A] the name of the Court in which the suit is brought

[B] the name, description and place of residence of the plaintiff

[C] the facts constituting the cause of action and when it arose

[D] All of the Above

Q.34) A matter of fact which the law presumes in the favour of the party pleading

[A] must be stated in the pleadings of the party

[B] must be stated in the pleadings along which the provision of law under which such presumption lies

[C] need not be stated in the pleadings unless the same has first been specifically denied

[D] None of the above

Q.35) Which provision of Code of Civil Procedure requires that the plaint shall show that the defendant is or claims to be interested in the subject-matter, and that he is liable to be called upon to answer the plaintiff's demand?

[A] Order VII, Rule 3

[B] Order VII, Rule 4

[C] Order VII, Rule 5

[D] Order VII, Rule 6

Q.36) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908 provides for the procedure on admitting plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 6

[B] Order VII, Rule 7

[C] Order VII, Rule 8

[D] Order VII, Rule 9

Q.37) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides every plaint shall state specifically the relief which the plaintiff claims either simply or in the alternative?

[A] Order VII, Rule 7

[B] Order VII, Rule 8

[C] Order VII, Rule 9

[D] Order VII, Rule 10

Q.38) The forms in ________ when applicable, and where they are not applicable forms of the like character, as nearly as may be, shall be used for all pleadings.

[A] Appendix A

[B] Appendix B

[C] Appendix c

[D] Appendix D

Q.39) Order VII, Rule 2 of Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Particulars to be contained in a Plaint

[B] Plaint in Money Suits

[C] Plaint, where the Subject Matter of the Suit is Immovable Property

[D] Plaint, when the plaintiff sues as representative

Q.40) Order VII, Rule 5 of Code of Civil Procedure, in relation to plaint, deals with:

[A] Where the subject-matter of the suit is immovable property

[B] When plaintiff sues as representative

[C] Defendant's interest and liability to be shown

[D] Grounds of exemption from limitation law

Q.41) Order VI, Rule 14 A of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Verification of pleadings

[B] Amendment of pleadings

[C] Form of pleadings

[D] Address for service of notice

Q.42) Order VII, Rule 7 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908, in relation to plaint, deals with:

[A] Defendant's interest and liability to be shown

[B] Grounds of exemption from limitation law

[C] Relief to be specifically stated

[D] Relief founded on separate grounds

Q.43) Order VII, Rule 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Procedure for admitting plaint

[B] Relief founded on separate grounds

[C] Return of plaint

[D] Grounds of exemption from limitation law

Q.44) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides that where the plaintiff seeks relief in respect of several distinct claims or causes of action founded upon separate and distinct grounds, they shall be stated as far as may be separately and distinctly?

[A] Order VII, Rule 6

[B] Order VII, Rule 7

[C] Order VII, Rule 8

[D] Order VII, Rule 9

Q.45) Where a contract is alleged in any pleading, a bare denial of the same by the opposite party shall be construed as

[A] a denial in fact of the express contract or of the matters of fact from which the same may be implied

[B] a denial of legality or sufficiency in law of such contract

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] Neither 1 nor 2

Q.46) Order VII, Rule 8 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908, in relation to plaint, deals with:

[A] Grounds of exemption from limitation law

[B] Relief to be specifically stated

[C] Relief founded on separate grounds

[D] Procedure for admitting plaint

Q.47) Where the plaintiff makes an application under sub-rule (2) of Rule 10 A of Order VII, the Court shall, before returning the plaint and notwithstanding that the order for return of plaint was made by it on the ground that it has no jurisdiction to try the suit:

[A] fix a date for the appearance of the parties in the Court in which the plaint is proposed to be presented

[B] give to the plaintiff and to the defendant notice of date fixed for appearance in the Court in which the plaint is to be presented

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] Only 1 and not 2

Q.48) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908 provides for the power of the appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court while proceeding with an appeal against the order of return of plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 10

[B] Order VII, Rule 10 A

[C] Order VII, Rule 10 B

[D] Order VII, Rule 11

Q.49) Order VII, Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Procedure on admitting plaint

[B] Return of plaint

[C] Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court

[D] Rejection of plaint

Q.50) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 requires the name of the Court to be written in the plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 1

[B] Order VII, Rule 2

[C] Order VII, Rule 3

[D] Order VII, Rule 4

Q.51) In which of the following cases, the plaint can be rejected under Rule 11 of Order VII?

[A] where it does not disclose a cause of action

[B] where the relief claimed is undervalued, and the plaintiff, on being required by the Court to correct the valuation within a time to be fixed by the Court, fails to do so

[C] where the relief claimed is properly valued, but the plaint is returned upon paper insufficiently stamped, and the plaintiff, on being required by the Court to supply the requisite stamp-paper within a time to be fixed by the Court, fails to do so

[D] All of the above

Q.52) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908 provides that situations under which a plaint can be rejected?

[A] Order VII, Rule 10

[B] Order VII, Rule 11

[C] Order VII, Rule 12

[D] Order VII, Rule 13

Q.53) Which of the following Courts may direct the return of plaint under Rule 10 of Order VII of CPC?

[A] The Court of Original Jurisdiction

[B] Appellate Court

[C] Revisional Court

[D] All of the above

Q.54) Order VII, Rule 10 A of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Procedure for admitting plaint

[B] Return of plaint

[C] Power of Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where plaint is to be filed after its return

[D] Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court

Q.55) Where a plaint does not disclose cause of action

[A] the Plaint can be rejected

[B] the Plaint can be returned

[C] the Plaint can be amended

[D] None of the Above

Q.56) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for Return of Plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 10

[B] Order VII, Rule 10 A

[C] Order VII, Rule 10 B

[D] Order VII, Rule 11

Q.57) Where intimation is given to the plaintiff under sub-rule (1) of Rule 10A of Order VII, the plaintiff may make an application to the Court:

[A] specifying the Court in which he proposes to present the plaint after its return

[B] praying that the Court may fix a date for the appearance of the parties in the said Court,

[C] requesting that the notice of the date so fixed may be given to him and to the defendant

[D] All of the Above

Q.58) Order VII, Rule 14 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Procedure for rejecting plaint

[B] Where rejection of plaint does not preclude presentation of fresh plaint

[C] Production of the document on which plaintiff sues or relies

[D] Suits on lost negotiable instruments

Q.59) Where the plaintiff relies upon any document in support of his claim he shall enter such documents in

[A] Plaint

[B] In specific application

[C] In a list to be added or annexed with the plaint

[D] None of the Above

Q.60) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for procedure on returning plaint?

[A] Order VII, Rule 10 (1)

[B] Order VII, Rule 10 (2)

[C] Order VII, Rule 10 B

[D] Order VII, Rule 11

Q.61) Where the notice of the date for appearance is given under sub-rule (3) of Rule 10 A of Order VII:

[A] It shall not be necessary for the Court in which the plaint is presented after its return, to serve the defendant with a summons for appearance in the suit, unless that Court, for reasons to be recorded, otherwise directs

[B] The said notice shall be deemed to be a summon for the appearance of the defendant in the Court in which the plaint is presented on the date so fixed by the Court by which the plaint was returned.

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] None of the Above

Q.62) Which rule of Order VII of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with suits on lost negotiable instruments?

[A] Rule 14

[B] Rule 15

[C] Rule 16

[D] Rule 17

Q.63) Where a plaintiff failed to present copies of the plaint along with the requisite fee for service of summons on the defendant -

[A] Shall be rejected

[B] Shall be sent to District Court

[C] Shall be rejected with cost

[D] None of the Above

Q.64) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for the power of the Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where a plaint is to be filed after its return?

[A] Order VII, Rule 10

[B] Order VII, Rule 10 A

[C] Order VII, Rule 10 B

[D] Order VII, Rule 11

Q.65) In which of the following cases, the plaint can be rejected under Rule 11 of Order VII?

[A] where the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to be barred by any law

[B] where it is not filed in duplicate

[C] where the plaintiff fails to comply with the provisions of rule 9 of order VII

[D] All of the Above

Q.66) Order VII, Rule 10 B of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Procedure for admitting plaint

[B] Return of plaint

[C] Power of Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where the plaint is to be filed after its Return

[D] Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court in case of return of plaint

Q.67) Under CPC, "written statement" has been dealt under

[A] Order VI

[B] Order VII

[C] Order VIII

[D] Order IX

Q.68) Which of the following provisions of CPC imposes a duty upon the defendant to produce documents along with the written statement upon which relief is claimed or relied upon by him

[A] Order VIII Rule 1

[B] Order VIII Rule 1A

[C] Order VIII Rule 2

[D] None of the above

Q.69) Order VIII of the Civil Procedure Code deals with:

[A] Pleadings

[B] Plaint

[C] Written Statement

[D] None of the above

Q.70) Order VII, Rule 12 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Procedure on Rejection of Plaint

[B] Return of plaint

[C] Power of Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where plaint is to be filed after its Return

[D] Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court

Q.71) How many situations are provided under Order VII, Rule 11, where plaint can be rejected?

[A] 3

[B] 4

[C] 5

[D] 6

Q.72) Which of the following provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for production of documents on which the plaintiff sues or relies

[A] Order VII, Rule 12

[B] Order VII, Rule 13

[C] Order VII, Rule 14

[D] Order VII, Rule 15

Q.73) Denial by defendant

[A] Must be specific

[B] Must be relevant

[C] Must be pointed out

[D] None of the Above

Q.74) Order VII, Rule 11 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Rejection of Plaint

[B] Return of plaint

[C] Power of Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where plaint is to be filed after its Return

[D] Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court

Q.75) Which of the following documents, a defendant is not bound to produce under Rule 1A of Order VIII of CPC?

[A] Documents produced for cross-examination of the plaintiff's witness

[B] Documents handed over to a witness merely to refresh his memory

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] Neither 1 nor 2

Q.76) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 requires that where a plaint is rejected the Judge shall record an order to that effect with the reasons for such order.

[A] Order VII, Rule 10

[B] Order VII, Rule 11

[C] Order VII, Rule 12

[D] Order VII, Rule 13

Q.77) Order VIII, Rule 1 A of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with:

[A] Written Statement

[B] Duty of defendant to produce documents upon which relief is claimed or relied upon by him

[C] New facts must be specially pleaded

[D] Denial to be specific

Q.78) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that every allegation of fact in the plaint, if not denied specifically or by necessary implication, or stated to be not admitted in the pleading of the defendant, shall be taken to be admitted except as against a person under disability?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 2

[B] Order VIII, Rule 3

[C] Order VIII, Rule 4

[D] Order VIII, Rule 5

Q.79) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides for Counter-claim by defendant?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 6 A

[B] Order VIII, Rule 6 B

[C] Order VIII, Rule 6 C

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6 D

Q.80) Under which of the following situations, a plaint cannot be rejected:

[A] if fails to disclose a cause of action

[B] it is not filed in duplicate

[C] the plaintiff fails to comply with the provision of Order VII, Rule 9 of CPC

[D] if it is filed in Court of incompetent jurisdiction

Q.81) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908 requires particulars of set-off to be given in a written statement?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 3

[B] Order VIII, Rule 4

[C] Order VIII, Rule 5

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6

Q.82) In which of the following suits can a defendant claim set off in a written statement?

[A] Suit for recovery of money

[B] Suit for recovery of movable property

[C] Suit for recovery of immovable property

[D] All of the above

Q.83) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that where a defendant denies an allegation of fact in the plaint, he must not do so evasively, but answer the point of substance?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 3

[B] Order VIII, Rule 4

[C] Order VIII, Rule 5

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6

Q.84) Order VIII, Rule 2 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] New facts must be specially pleaded

[B] Denial to be specific

[C] Evasive-denial

[D] Specific denial

Q.85) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 provides that it shall not be sufficient for a defendant in his written statement to deny generally the grounds alleged by the plaintiff, but the defendant must deal specifically with each allegation of fact of which he does not admit the truth, except damages?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 1

[B] Order VIII, Rule 2

[C] Order VIII, Rule 3

[D] Order VIII, Rule 4

Q.86) Which of the following provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 provides for relief to defendant where counter-claim succeeds?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 6 C

[B] Order VIII, Rule 6 D

[C] Order VIII, Rule 6 E

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6 F

Q.87) A sues B on a bill of exchange, B alleges that A has wrongfully neglected to insure B's goods and is liable to him in compensation which he claims to set-off.

[A] The set-off shall be allowed

[B] The set-off cannot be allowed

[C] The set-off may or may not be allowed

[D] A partial set-off may be allowed

Q.88) Order VIII, Rule 6 B of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Counter-claim by defendant

[B] Counter-claim to be stated

[C] Exclusion of counter-claim

[D] Effect of discontinuance of suit on counter-claim

Q.89) Which provision of Code of Civil Procedure requires that where the defendant relies upon several distinct grounds of defence or set-off or counter-claim founded upon separate and distinct facts, they shall be stated, as far as may be, separately and distinctly?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 7

[B] Order VIII, Rule 8

[C] Order VIII, Rule 9

[D] None of the Above

Q.90) When a document which ought to be produced in Court by the plaintiff when the plaint is presented, is not produced

[A] the Court cannot refuse to receive such document in evidence on plaintiff's behalf at the hearing of the suit

[B] Such document shall not in any case be received in evidence on plaintiff's behalf at the hearing of the suit

[C] Such document can be received in evidence on plaintiff's behalf at the hearing of the suit only with the leave of the Court

[D] Either 1 or 3 depending upon the circumstances of the case

Q.91) Which of the following provisions imposes a bar on the pleadings subsequent to the presentation of the written statement of the defendant?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 7

[B] Order VIII, Rule 8

[C] Order VIII, Rule 9

[D] Order VIII, Rule 10

Q.92) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure provides for the procedure when a party fails to present written statement called for by the Court?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 7

[B] Order VIII, Rule 8

[C] Order VIII, Rule 9

[D] Order VIII, Rule 10

Q.93) Order VIII, Rule 9 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Defence or set-off founded upon separate grounds

[B] Subsequent pleadings

[C] New ground of defence

[D] Procedure when party fails to present written statement called for by Court

Q.94) A sues B on a bill of exchange for Rs.500, B holds a judgment against A for Rs.1000 which he claims to set-off.

[A] The set-off shall be allowed

[B] The set-off cannot be allowed

[C] The set-off may or may not be allowed

[D] A partial set-off may be allowed

Q.95) As per O. VIII, R. 10, of C.P.C., where any party from whom a written statement is so required fails to produce the same within fixed time before the Court

[A] The Court may pronounce judgment against it

[B] The Court may make any order regarding the suit

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] None of the Above

Q.96) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with raising any new ground of defence which has arisen after the institution of the suit or the presentation of a written statement claiming a set-off or counter-claim?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 7

[B] Order VIII, Rule 8

[C] Order VIII, Rule 9

[D] Order VIII, Rule 10

Q.97) Order VIII, Rule 8 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 deals with:

[A] Defence or set-off founded upon separate grounds

[B] Subsequent pleadings

[C] Procedure when party fails to present written statement called for by Court

[D] New ground of defence

Q.98) Which provision of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908 deals with the effect of discontinuation of suit on a counter-claim?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 6 D

[B] Order VIII, Rule 6 E

[C] Order VIII, Rule 6 F

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6 G

Q.99) If the plaintiff makes a default in putting in a reply to the counter-claim made by the defendant, the Court -

[A] may pronounce the judgment against the plaintiff in relation to the counter-claim made against him

[B] may make such order in relation to the counter-claim as it thinks fit

[C] Either 1 or 2

[D] None of the above

Q.100) Which Provision of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 requires that where any defendant seeks to rely upon any ground as supporting a right of counter-claim, he shall, in his written statement, state specifically that he does so by way of counter-claim?

[A] Order VIII, Rule 6 A

[B] Order VIII, Rule 6 B

[C] Order VIII, Rule 6 C

[D] Order VIII, Rule 6 D


Q.1) C

Q.2) B

Q.3) A

Q.4) A

Q.5) D

Q.6) C

Q.7) D

Q.8) C

Q.9) B

Q.10) A

Q.11) A

Q.12) D

Q.13) B

Q.14) D

Q.15) A

Q.16) D

Q.17) C

Q.18) C

Q.19) A

Q.20) B

Q.21) A

Q.22) C

Q.23) D

Q.24) A

Q.25) B

Q.26) D

Q.27) B

Q.28) B

Q.29) C

Q.30) D

Q.31) B

Q.32) A

Q.33) D

Q.34) C

Q.35) C

Q.36) D

Q.37) A

Q.38) A

Q.39) B

Q.40) C

Q.41) D

Q.42) C


Q.44) C

Q.45) A

Q.46) C

Q.47) C

Q.48) C

Q.49) B

Q.50) A

Q.51) D

Q.52) B

Q.53) D

Q.54) C

Q.55) A

Q.56) A

Q.57) D

Q.58) C

Q.59) C

Q.60) B

Q.61) B

Q.62) C

Q.63) A

Q.64) B

Q.65) D

Q.66) D

Q.67) C

Q.68) B

Q.69) C

Q.70) A

Q.71) D

Q.72) C

Q.73) A

Q.74) A

Q.75) C

Q.76) C

Q.77) B

Q.78) D

Q.79) A

Q.80) D

Q.81) D

Q.82) A

Q.83) B

Q.84) A

Q.85) C

Q.86) D

Q.87) B

Q.88) B

Q.89) A

Q.90) C

Q.91) C

Q.92) D

Q.93) B

Q.94) A

Q.95) C

Q.96) B

Q.97) D

Q.98) A

Q.99) C

Q.100) B

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