Company Law Mains Question Answer Series 1: Important Questions for Judiciary Exams | Part – I
Legal Bites presents the Company Law Important Question-Answer Series. The questions listed here will help students study for various Competitive and University Exams.

Legal Bites presents the Company Law Important Question-Answer Series. The questions listed here will help students study for various Competitive and University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites' list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions and practice their aptitude and knowledge.
Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate's knowledge but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question's requirements.
It is vital to prepare for this exam to pass it thoroughly. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practising these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate's confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.
Company Law Mains Question Answer Series 1: Important Questions for Judiciary Exams | Part – I
Question 1
Define 'Memorandum of Association' of company. Discuss different clauses (contents) of the Memorandum of Association. Make a distinction between a Memorandum of Association and Article of Association. [BJS 2021]
Question 2
Who do you understand by the 'doctrine of indoor management'? Explain the exceptions of this doctrine. [BJS 2021]
Question 3
Who can appoint a Director in the company? Explain the Conditions precedent to such an appointment. Discuss the duties of directors. [BJS 2021]
Question 4
What do you understand by Winding Up of a Company? Write a detailed note on the Voluntary Winding up of a Company. [BJS 2017]
Question 5
Define 'Prospectus' and explain in brief its contents. What is the difference between 'prospectus' and 'statements in lieu of prospects'? [BJS 2017]
Question 6
What do you mean by Mis-statement in Prospectus? Discuss the liability for misstatements in the prospectus. [BJS 2011]
Question 7
'A director stands in a fiduciary relationship with his company.' Discuss. [BJS 1980]
Question 8
C, the promoter of a Company, entered into a contract with D to buy a plot of land for the company. After incorporation, the company refused to buy the land. Advice D about his rights against C and the Company. [BJS 1984]
Question 9
What is a charge? State its kinds, registration and penalty for default.
Question 10
Differentiate between Share Warrant and Share Certificate.