Contract Law - Page 14

Write a critical note on Undue influence.
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:35 AM

Write a critical note on ‘Unconscionable Bargains’
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:35 AM

Write critical note on Wagering Agreements.
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:33 AM

Undue influence | 'A' filed a suit against her maternal uncle 'B' seeking partition of her share in land measuring about 24 acres left behind by A’s father. B resisted the suit on the ground that A’s mother who was an old, blind, tribal woman, and was living with 'B' had executed a sale deed… How would you decide the question of the onus of proof in these circumstances?
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:30 AM

Mistake of fact | In a case, while the defendant intended to sell the land in terms of Kanals, the plaintiff intended to purchase in Bighas. The area of the land was as essential to the agreement as to the price…. Is the mistake with which the parties were suffering related to a matter essential to the agreement?
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:26 AM

Wagering agreement | Tony borrowed a sum of Rs. 5000/- from John in order to bet with Mahesh as to the result of a cricket match. Tony lost the bet to Mahesh… Mahesh and John initiated legal remedies against Tony separately for recovery of Rs. 5000/-. Decide.
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:20 AM

Agreement in restraint of trade | In a case, the landlord is the owner of the shop running a Sophisticated Cosmetic Hair Dressing Saloon in Delhi. He gives on rent and said shop with the said business…. Is this agreement of lease hit by Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act? Decide.
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:15 AM

Minor's contract | 'A', a minor having a well-built body and quite tall falsely represented his age and obtained a loan of Rs. 10,000 and spent the loan amount on his luxuries. The moneylender filed a suit… Can 'A' be held liable either on the contract or in torts? Discuss.
by Admin Legal Bites 16 Jan 2022 7:12 AM