Applications are invited for the post of Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants at Karnataka High Court. With a view to encourage brilliant and talented Law Graduates to join the legal profession and to give them exposure to various facets of litigation and branches of law and familiarity with Court procedures, the proposal for selecting Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants in the High… Read More »

Applications are invited for the post of Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants at Karnataka High Court.

With a view to encourage brilliant and talented Law Graduates to join the legal profession and to give them exposure to various facets of litigation and branches of law and familiarity with Court procedures, the proposal for selecting Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants in the High Court of Karnataka has been approved by the High Court and the Government.


  1. must possess a Degree in Law granted by a recognized University established by Law in India with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks
  2. must not have completed the age of 30 years as on the last date of application
  3. must have enrolled as an Advocate in Karnataka State Bar Council
  4. must have knowledge of the operation of computers

Number of posts



Rs. 16,500 per month.

Application Deadline

17th November 2020.

Job Description

  • The Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants will be attached to one of the Hon’ble Judges of the High Court of Karnataka and he/she will assist the Judge not only in the judicial work but also in the administrative work.
  • The Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant will have free access to the Court Room / Library and also to all materials including Computers and Internet. If necessary, he/she will be allowed access to the Chamber of the Hon’ble Judge, with the permission of the respective Hon’ble Judge.
  • The assignment as Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant is a full-time assignment and during the period of assignment, the Law Clerk-cum Research Assistant will not be entitled to practice as an Advocate or to take up any employment. The Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant is required to give necessary intimation to the Karnataka State Bar Council with regard to his/her taking the assignment as such.
  • The Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant is liable to maintain proper discipline and complete confidentiality at all times.
  • The Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant attached to a particular Hon’ble Judge will not be entitled to appear before that Hon’ble Judge for a period of one year from the date of termination of the assignment.
  • The Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant will not be entitled to appear in any case handled by the Hon’ble Judge to whom he/she was attached, regardless of whether he /she had worked on that case.
  • The assignment as Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant will not confer any right or preference for any employment in the High Court or the Government.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of a Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant are:

  1. reading of case files, preparation of the case including case summary and notes and chronology of events;
  2. identifying facts and issues and questions that may arise or may have to be addressed;
  3. presence in the Court during the hearing of cases, taking notes of arguments and citations;
  4. research work on case law, books and articles for the purpose of assisting the Judge in the preparation of judgments; and
  5. assisting the Judge to prepare speeches and academic papers.

Documents to accompany the application

The candidates who are eligible and willing to apply should submit the application in the prescribed format annexed to this notification along with the relevant information and documents as stated therein Click here to view Annexure [Page 5]

Method of Selection

A Committee of Hon’ble Judges constituted by Hon’ble the Chief Justice will select the candidates on the basis of academic record, achievements in co-curricular activities and performance in the interview. If there are a large number of applicants, candidates will be short-listed for interview on the basis of academic record and achievements in co-curricular activities. The applicants whose applications are in the order shall be considered for calling for viva.

Application Procedure

Applications along with the relevant self-attested documents should reach the Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bengaluru on or before 17.11.2020. Applications received after the last date fixed, will not be considered. The cover containing the application shall be super-scribed as: “Application for Selection to the post of Law Clerk – cum – Research Assistants”.

Click here to view Official Notification

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Updated On 19 Oct 2020 7:23 AM
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