Legal Bites presents the Labour Law Important Question-Answer Series.

Legal Bites presents the Labour Law Important Question-Answer Series. The questions listed here will help students study for various Competitive and University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites' list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions and practice their aptitude and knowledge.

Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate's knowledge but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question's requirements.

It is vital to prepare for this exam to pass it thoroughly. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practising these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate's confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.

Labour Law Question Answer Series 3: Important Questions for Exams | Part – III

Question 1

Explain in brief the doctrine of "Notional Extension of Employer's Premises."

Question 2

What is lay off and on what grounds can the employer declare lay off?

Question 3

What are 'Unfair Labour Practices'? What is the procedure for filing a complaint against Unfair Labour Practices?

Question 4

State and Explain the concept of 'Injury arising out of and in the course of employment' as contemplated in the Employee's Compensation Act, 1923.

Question 5

What is Collective Bargaining? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

Question 6

Define Retrenchment. Illustrate the provisions regarding retrenchment under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

Question 7

What are Model Standing Orders? Explain the procedure for certifying standing orders.

Question 8

A Shipyard employs more than 30 workmen and 10 of them are welders. The industry owners have provided all safety gears to the welders. One of the Welders did not wear the helmet and due to an accident suffered 35% burns. Is the Employer Liable under the Employee Compensation Act. to pay compensation to the injured employee?

Updated On 20 May 2023 11:53 AM
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

Legal Bites Study Materials correspond to what is taught in law schools and what is tested in competitive exams. It pledges to offer a competitive advantage, prepare for tests, and save a lot of money.

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