This course consists of 5 modules that cover a range of topics from the salient features of the Companies Act to various doctrines and Tribunals.

The history of Indian Company Law began with the Joint Stock Companies Act of 1850. Thereafter, a cumulative process of amendment and consolidation brought us to the most comprehensive and complicated piece of legislation, the Companies Act, 1956. As of today, the Companies Act, 2013 has replaced the Companies Act, 1956. The new Act has 470 sections and 7 schedules as against 658 sections and 15 schedules in the 1956 Act.

This course consists of 5 modules that cover a range of topics from the salient features of the Companies Act to various doctrines and Tribunals. To help readers get an in-depth understanding of Indian Company Law, we have also provided well-researched and analytical articles on miscellaneous subjects towards the end of the course.

Important articles and study material on Company Law – Click on the links to Read:

Module I

  1. Company Law MCQs for Law Aspirants: Solved High-Quality MCQs for Judiciary Prelims
  2. Commercial Law Questions Asked in UGC NET Exam | UGC NET (Law) #Special
  3. A Comparative Analysis of the Provisions of Companies Act, 1956 and Companies Act, 2013
  4. Introduction to Company Law: Meaning, Nature, and Characteristics
  5. Salomon v. A Salomon and Co. Ltd (1897)
  6. Companies Act 2013 – Bare Act
  7. Types of Company
  8. Comparison of a Company with a Partnership firm and an LLP

Module II

  1. Formation of a Company under the Companies Act, 2013
  2. Disadvantages of Incorporation of a Company
  3. A Comprehensive Analysis of Section 9 of the Companies Act, 2013
  4. Case Study: Foss v Harbottle (1843)

Module III

  1. Promoters of a Company
  2. Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  3. Articles of Association: Meaning, Nature, and Explanation
  4. Doctrine of Ultra Vires in Company Law
  5. Doctrine of Harmonious Construction: A Comprehensive Analysis
  6. Doctrine of Indoor Management in Company Law
  7. Doctrine of Constructive Notice

Module IV

  1. Prospectus of the Company
  2. Meetings under the Companies Act of 2013
  3. Shares, Share Capital, and Debentures: Explained
  4. Winding Up of Companies

Module V

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  2. National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
  3. National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT)

Module VI

  1. Write Short notes on Share Warrant.
  2. Write Short notes on Share Certificate.

Other important articles and study material on Company Law:

  1. Theories of Corporate Personality

  2. Minority Shareholders & Their Rights in a Company

  3. Important Doctrines of Company Law
  4. Types of Directors in a Company
  5. Power and Liabilities of Directors

  6. Allotment of shares
  7. Majority Powers And Minority Rights
  8. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement
  9. Inspection, Inquiry, and Investigation
  10. Winding Up of Companies
  11. Debenture: Meaning, Features and Kinds
  12. Debentures and its impact on Company and Shareholders
  13. Internal Audit under the Companies Act, 2013
  14. A Comprehensive Study of the Company Law Committee Report 2022
  15. Difference between Dissolution and Winding Up of a Company
  16. Equity Funding under The Companies Act, 2013

Company Law Mains Questions-Answer Series: Important Questions for Judiciary Exams

  1. Company Law Mains Question Series Part I
  2. Company Law Mains Question


    Part II
  3. Company Law Mains Question Series Part III
  4. Company Law Mains Question Series Part IV
  5. Company Law Mains Question Series Part V

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Updated On 2 Dec 2024 10:30 AM
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

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