Master Competition Law: Notes, Case Laws, and Study Material. Essential resources for understanding market regulations.

Competition Law is a law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating companies' anti-competitive conduct. It helps us get a better view and perspective on the country's economy. Any business, regardless of its legal status, size, and sector, needs to be aware of competition law.

Legal Bites has compiled the best online study material on Competition Law. The 4 modules of this course familiarize readers with the Competition Act, 2002 and a variety of other topics such as predatory pricing and Anti-Competitive Agreements. With our well-researched and in-depth articles, you can get a better understanding of the law as well as the rules and regulations that drive our country's economic development.

Important articles and study material on Competition Law – Click on the links to Read:

Module I

  1. Competition Law in India: An Overview
  2. Important Definitions under Competition Act, 2002 | Explained
  3. Competition Act 2002 – Bare Act

Module II

  1. Abuse of Dominant Position; Meaning, Determination and Case Laws
  2. Appreciable Adverse Effect of the Competition in the Market
  3. Horizontal and Vertical Restraint on Competition
  4. Cartels and Bid Rigging: Concept, Inquiry and Penalty
  5. Predatory Pricing: Concept, Issue, Effect and Evolution
  6. Prevention of Abuse of Dominant Position in Market

Module III

  1. Anti-Competitive Agreements under Competition Act, 2002
  2. Determination of Relevant Market: Concept and Rules
  3. Anti-Competitive Agreements: A Comparative Analysis of EU, US and UK

Module IV

  1. Combinations: Concept, Regulation and Adverse Impact
  2. Combinations: Mergers and Acquisition | Explained
  3. Competition Commission of India: Overview
  4. Competition Appellate Tribunal: Overview
  5. Competition Advocacy in India | Overview

Case Laws

[1] Case Summary: Brahm Dutt v. Union of India (2005)

Important Articles

[1] Challenges to Competition in Digital Markets

[2] 10 Important Competition Law Cases

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Updated On 13 March 2025 10:38 AM
Admin Legal Bites

Admin Legal Bites

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