The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part I, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Shia and Sunni Schools, Conversion and Its Effects, and Muslim Marriage Classification.

The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part I, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Shia and Sunni Schools, Conversion and Its Effects, and Muslim Marriage Classification.

The Muslim Law Mains Questions Series Part I, is brought to you by Legal Bites. Students studying for Judiciary, APO, or University Exams will benefit from the questions listed here, which are organized by section. Legal Bites' list of questions will assist candidates in identifying the most significant and frequently asked questions, as well as provide practice for their aptitude and knowledge.

We all know that answering questions is a continual process that is an unavoidable part of any exam preparation. A well-written response demonstrates not just an aspirant's knowledge, but also his or her ability to customize the content to meet the question's expectations.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for this exam to pass it. It is sufficient for applicants to just keep practicing these questions in the months leading up to the tests to achieve mastery over the subjects studied. Following it, not only the candidate's confidence level but also their scores will improve significantly.

Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series 1: Important Questions for Judiciary, APO & University Exams | Part – I of X

Question 1

Write a short note on any five of the following as applicable under Muslim Law: [DJS 2019]

Question 2

What are the main sources of Muhammadan Law? Explain them with their corresponding importance over the other. [BJS 2018]

Question 3

Discuss the validity of the following marriage under Sunni and Shia Law: [Punj JS 1998]

  1. H, a Sunni boy, married W, a Shia girl, in the absence of witnesses.
  2. H gets married to his wife's younger sister.
  3. H gets married to his father's younger sister.
  4. Salmi, a 16 years old girl, was given into marriage by her father without obtaining her consent.

Question 4

Rahim, a Sunni Muslim, pronounces triple talak against his wife for satisfying his father's demand to divorce her. Immediately he repents and marries her then and there. What will be the legal status of this marriage? Discuss and decide. [Punj JS 1999]

Question 5

Fatima, a 14 years old Muslim girl, was given in marriage by her father. During their honeymoon, the marriage was consummated. Shortly after that, she returned to her parent's house. She repudiates her marriage on attaining the age of 15 and refused to go to her husband's house.

Advise Fatima as to the Ground on which she may obtain a dissolution of her marriage. [Punj JS 1999]

Question 6

Write a note on the sources of Mohammedan Law, its evolution, and the Jurists who have contributed to its growth. [BJS 1977]

Question 7

How was the process of applying Muslim Law in a consolidated way developed in India? What is the significance of the Shariat Act, 1937? [BJS 1984]

Question 8

State briefly the ancient and modern sources of Muslim Law. [BJS 1986]

Question 9

Write an explanatory note on the concept of Muslim Law. [BJS 1986]

Question 10

How far IJMA is a source of Muslim law? Can IJMA be used for the further development of Muslim law? [BJS 1991]

Question 11

What are the principle schools in Muslim Law? [RJS 1988]

Question 12

Discuss the formal and material sources of Muslim Law. How was the expression, justice equity and good conscience introduced in Mohammadan Law in India? [BJS 2014]

Question 13

Point out the principle schools of Muslim Law and bring out the differences between them. [BJS 2014]

Question 14

Write a note on the schools of Sunnis. [BJS 2017]

Question 15

Is a convert to Islam governed by his personal law before conversion or by Muslim law in matters of matrimonial relief and succession? [BJS 1991]

Question 16

A Muslim man has two Muslim wives. The entire family converts to Christianity. Discuss the status of the wives and children. Can he divorce his wives by triple talaq post-conversion? [HJS 2011]

Question 17

Distinguish between 'Batil' and 'Fasid' marriage. In which category will you place the following:– [BJS 1977]

Question 18

Distinguish between void and irregular marriage in Mohammedan law and State when a marriage is void and when it is irregular. [BJS 1980, 1987, DJS 2014]

Question 19

Explain valid, irregular, and void marriage under Muslim Law and state the distinction between them. [BJS 2000]

Question 20

Explain the various forms of marriages under Muslim Law. Also, enumerate the points of distinction between them. [BJS 2011]

Updated On 28 Aug 2023 10:54 AM
Mayank Shekhar

Mayank Shekhar

Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.

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