Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 10: Important Questions for modules such as Wakfs and other Religious Institution
The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 10, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Wakfs and other Religious Institutions. Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from the divine, as opposed to man-made rules enacted by legislators and controlled by the principles of current legal… Read More »

The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 10, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Wakfs and other Religious Institutions.
Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from the divine, as opposed to man-made rules enacted by legislators and controlled by the principles of current legal systems. Islam denotes surrender to God's will and includes the concepts of peace, purity, salvation, and obedience. Muslims believe that Allah is the sole god.
With our amazing up-to-date notes and case laws, Legal Bites provides you with the best study material on this subject. The course is broken down into 10 modules to give readers a thorough understanding of Muslim law. The parts were created with the goal of providing students with an in-depth understanding of every subject of Muslim law.
Students will have an advantage while competing in national-level competitions and exams thanks to the well-researched random articles and the 10-part series of important questions near the end of the course. For aspiring lawyers, our study materials offer the secret to success.
Muslim Law Mains Question Series Part X
Question 1
What is meant by Waqf? How the Waqf is created and maintained? [Punj JS 2003]
Question 2
In a Waqf created by one A, the value of Waqf property was Rs. 50,00,000. The Mutawalliship and Naib-Mutawalliship ran in the family of the wakf from generation to generation. The wakf is for religious purposes but it also provided for payment of a substantial allowance for the Mutawallis and Nabi Mutawallis and for family members in various portions. [BJS 1975]
Question 3
What is Wakf? How far is it correct to say that the conditions laid down by the Wakf are equivalent to the command of the lawgiver? [BJS 1977]
Question 4
A Muslim conveys property to a Mutawalli, B with directions to defray out of the profits of the endowed land the expenses of a mosque, to give alms to mendicants, to utilise the surplus for the marriage, burial, and circumcision of the members of B's family. Is the Wakf valid? Give reasons for your answer. [BJS 1978]
Question 5
Comment upon the dictums that 'a mosque is a juristic person'. Do you agree with the view that where a deed of wakf purported to dedicate a building of a mosque for the exclusive use of persons belonging to a particular sect, such a reservation in India is void but the dedication is valid? [BJS 1980]
Question 6
Examine the validity of the following Wakfs giving reasons in support of your answer:-
- the maintenance of a private tomb and burning of a lamp therein, and
- the maintenance of a tomb of a saint,
- A Wakf of a property subject to a mortgage.
Question 7
Comment upon this statement and explain the essential; of a valid Wakf under Muslim Law.
Examine the validity of the following Wakfs. Giving reasons for your answers:-
- The Wakf of a Muslim for a mosque or a burial ground."
- The Wakf of a dower debt.
- A Wakf for erecting and maintaining a Church opposite the house of the "Wakf".
- A Wakf to maintain a college for teaching Muslim and Hindu Jurisprudence.
[BJS 1984]
Question 8
Write a short note on the Administration and Statutory control of Wakf. [BJS 1986]
Question 9
Define Wakf and Explain who can be appointed Mutawalli. Whether a female can be appointed Mutawalli? [BJS 1987]
Question 10
What is Wakf Al Aulad? Can a Muslim make a Wakf for the maintenance of the Shiv temple? [BJS 1991]
Question 11
What is a Wakf? Who can be appointed a Mutawalli of a wakf? Discuss the functions and duties of a mutawalli. How the services of a mutawalli be terminated? [BJS 2006]
Question 12
Explain fully the concept of Wakf. Discuss the effects of the Mussalman Wakf Validation Acts of 1913 and 1930. [HJS 1986]
Question 13
Write a short note on Sajjadanashin. [HJS 1996]
Question 14
What is the Islamic notion of Law? Should the Muslim Law of marriage and divorce be substantially changed? Has the parliament of India the power to do so? Give reasons for your answer. [RJS 1979]
Question 15
What do you understand by 'Sadaqah'? [RJD 1988]
Question 16
What are the essentials of a valid Wakf? What is the difference between Sunni and Shia's laws relating to the creation of a Wakf-alal-aulad? [RJS 1988]
Question 17
Is an acknowledgement of paternity in Muslim Law somewhat akin to adoption in Hindu Law? What are the conditions of a valid acknowledgement? [Punj JS 2007]
Question 18
Draw a distinction between any one of the following:- [Punj JS 2007]
Question 19
A Mohammedan dies, leaving debts, some house property, a minor son, a widow, and a brother. In order to discharge the debts the widow sells a house purporting to act as guardian of her minor son. Is the sale binding on the minor? Will it make any difference if the sale is effected by the brother who has been actually managing the property left by the deceased on behalf of the minor? [Punj JS 2010]
Question 20
Write short notes on the following:- [Punj JS 2010]
- Kunwara Marriage.
- Customary divorce.
Question 21
What is the difference between the doctrine of limitation and laches? [Punj JS 2010]
Question 22
What is the difference between the doctrine of limitations and acquiescence? [Punj JS 2010]
Question 23
Study the following circumstances and determine the validity of the gift under the Mohammedan Law. Substantiate your answers with reasons:- [Punj JS 2013]
- A Muslim male makes a gift of his house to his sons with a condition that one-third of the income derived from the house has to be given to one Mr. X during his lifetime Is the condition and the gift valid.
- A makes a gift to B and delivers its possession to B. He then changes his mind and decides to revoke the gift. Is the revocation valid.
- Y makes a gift of his property to Z. After Y's death, his heirs revoke the gift and disentitle Z from the use of Y's Property. Is the revocation valid?
Question 24
In relation to the Islamic rules of inheritance, write short notes on the following:- [Punj JS 2013]
- Doctrine of Representation in Islamic Law.
- Primary and subsidiary classes of heirs in Hanafi Law of inheritance.
Question 25
What are the existing legal provisions in India to ensure that Muslim women receive maintenance after divorce? Can a divorced Muslim woman claim protection under section 125 Cr.P.C.? Further, can the maintenance of a Muslim woman be regulated by mutual agreement between husband and wife? Substantiate your answer with reasons and case law. [Punj JS 2013]
Question 26
Describe the main provisions of the Shariat Act, 1937. State the changes brought about by it. [BJS 2000, UPJS 2015]
Question 27
"Muhammedan Law was applied to Muslims in British India as a matter of policy." Examine this statement and point out the reasons which dictated the British to follow this policy. Does Shariat apply to Indian Muslims in cases of crime and evidence? [BJS 2014]