The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 4, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Judicial Separation and Divorce in Muslims, Effects of Divorce/bars to Remarriage, Guardianship in Marriage, and Maintenance to wife and others under Muslim Law. Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from… Read More »

The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 4, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Judicial Separation and Divorce in Muslims, Effects of Divorce/bars to Remarriage, Guardianship in Marriage, and Maintenance to wife and others under Muslim Law.

Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from the divine, as opposed to man-made rules enacted by legislators and controlled by the principles of current legal systems. Islam denotes surrender to God's will and includes the concepts of peace, purity, salvation, and obedience. Muslims believe that Allah is the sole god.

With our amazing up-to-date notes and case laws, Legal Bites provides you with the best study material on this subject. The course is broken down into 10 modules to give readers a thorough understanding of Muslim law. The parts were created with the goal of providing students with an in-depth understanding of every subject of Muslim law.

Students will have an advantage while competing in national-level competitions and exams thanks to the well-researched random articles and the 10-part series of important questions near the end of the course. For aspiring lawyers, our study materials offer the secret to success.

Muslim Law Mains Question Series Part IV

Question 1

Draw distinction between the Ahasan talaq and Hasan talaq. [HJS 2009]

Question 2

Write a short note on Khula. [RJS 1971]

Question 3

What is talaq-i-tafweez? [RJS 1999]

Question 4

What do you understand by "cruelty by the husband" under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939? [RJS 2014]

Question 5

A entered into an agreement with her husband B by which the husband authorized the wife to divorce herself from him in the event of his marrying a second wife without her consent. Is the agreement valid under Mohammedan Law? Give reasons. [DJS 1979]

Question 6

A Muslim wife misbehaved with her husband. She was addressed thrice and the word "TALAQ" was pronounced by her husband. Thereupon she apologized for her misbehavior. They continued cohabitation. A son was born to the woman from him. He was got admitted to school by father as his own son and reared up as such.

After the death of man, his full-brother laid exclusive claim to his estate. Decide the suit. Defences raised are that divorce was revoked and that the paternity of son was acknowledged. [DJS 1980]

Question 7

Is a stipulation between husband and wife, conferring the right on the wife to divorce herself permissible under Mohammedan Law? If so, is it conditioned by pre-requisites? What are the principle in which Mohammedan Law recognizes such a stipulation? [DJS 1991]

Question 8

'M' (husband) married 'W' (wife) on 30.3.1997 according to Muslim rites. Both are Muslims. On 28.7.1998, both of them were separated. Within 5 months of the separation 'M' got re-married. 'W' filed a suit against 'M' seeking dissolution of marriage under section 2 of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act (8 of 1939) on the ground of cruelty on the part of 'M'. She has complained of physical and mental cruelty. '

'W' was allowed to amend the petition to incorporate the additional act of cruelty, namely, second marriage of 'M' which according to 'W', caused a mental cruelty towards her.In reply filed by 'M', he took up the plea that he was willing to co-habit with 'W' as well while continuing the second marriage and as a Muslim husband he could have more than one wife.Whether in such circumstances. 'W' shall be entitled to a decree of divorce? Decide explaining the legal position. [DJS 2007]

Question 9

Question: [DJS 2015]

Question 10

Discuss in detail the Islamic procedure of 'divorce' and its development in India with the help of decided cases. Discuss with the help of decided cases the validity of 'Triple Divorce' under Muslim Law. Do you agree that 'Triple Divorce' has no place in Shariat? Give reasons. [UPJS 2006]

Question 11

A, an Indian Muslim married a Christian German lady B in Germany according to German law and brought B to India with him. A then married a Muslim lady in India in the Muslim form of marriage and gave a deed of divorcement (talaknama) to B. After sometime B become a convert to Islam and married, in Muslim form. Another Muslim in India. Discuss the validity or otherwise of the second marriage of each A and B. [RJS 1971]

Question 12

A Mohammedan husband becomes a convert to Christianity. The wife then marries another man before the expiration of the period of iddat. State if she is guilty of bigamy under section 494 I.P.C. [DJS 1991]

Question 13

Explain the Legal consequences of Talaq under Muslim Law. [UPJS 2016]

Question 14

Write a short but critical note on Guardianship in marriage. [BJS 1984]

Question 15

"A" is a mother of a minor Muslim "B". She sells "B's" immovable property for his necessities and benefits. "A" is de facto guardian of "B". Discuss the validity of the sale. [UPJS 2012]

Question 16

Discuss the provisions of maintenance of the wife by the husband under the Muhammedan Law. What right of maintenance a divorced wife has under the Muhammadan Law? Discuss in the light of the Apex Court's decision in the case of Shah Bano. [BJS 2018]

Question 17

Discuss the scope of Muslim law regarding the maintenance of a divorced woman against her husband. Discuss the changes made in this respect in famous Shah Bano case decided by Supreme Court. [BJS 2006]

Question 18

A divorced Muslim wife has in her custody children born out of wedlock before the divorce. Can the children claim maintenance from her and if so, how long? [HJS 2000]

Question 19

Applicability of Section 125 of Cr. P.C. to Muslims after the enactment of Muslim Women (Protection of Right on Divorce) Act, 1986. [HJS 2006]

Question 20

'B' a Muslim wife seeks dissolution of her marriage with 'A' on the ground that 'A' neglected to maintain her for a period of 2 years. In fact, 'B' had voluntarily left 'A', when 'A', brought a second wife. Decide the claim of 'B'. [HJS 2010]

Updated On 12 Aug 2024 12:58 PM
Mayank Shekhar

Mayank Shekhar

Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.

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