The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 7, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Muslim Law of Inheritance. Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from the divine, as opposed to man-made rules enacted by legislators and controlled by the principles of current legal systems.… Read More »

The Muslim Law Mains Question Answer Series Part 7, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Muslim Law, including modules such as Muslim Law of Inheritance.

Muslim law, also known as Islamic law, is believed to have originated from the divine, as opposed to man-made rules enacted by legislators and controlled by the principles of current legal systems. Islam denotes surrender to God's will and includes the concepts of peace, purity, salvation, and obedience. Muslims believe that Allah is the sole god.

With our amazing up-to-date notes and case laws, Legal Bites provides you with the best study material on this subject. The course is broken down into 10 modules to give readers a thorough understanding of Muslim law. The modules were created with the goal of providing students with an in-depth understanding of every subject of Muslim law.

Students will have an advantage while competing in national-level competitions and exams thanks to the well-researched random articles and the 10-part series of important questions near the end of the course. For aspiring lawyers, our study materials offer the secret to success.

Muslim Law Mains Question Series Part VII

Question 1

"Pre-emption is a weak right." Discuss this statement. [RJS 1988]

Question 2

Discuss the grounds of exclusion from inheritance under the Muslim Law. [UPJS 2018]

Question 3

When does inheritance open for the first time under Muslim Law? Discuss the main rules of succession. [BJS 2017]

Question 4

A, Shia Muslim, leaves two grandsons X and Y from his predeceased son Z and also one grandson F from his other predeceased son D. Divide the property of A among X, Y, and F. [BJS 2017]

Question 5

Rahim bequeaths orally half of his property to a school and another half by a registered deed to his wife. After his death, his children wish to avoid both Wills. Advise them as to the provisions of Muslim Law (Shia and Sunni) under which the validity of the Wills can be challenged. [Punj JS 1999]

Question 6

What are the essentials of a valid gift under Muslim Law?

Discuss the validity of the following gift: [Punj JS 1999]

  • A makes a gift to B of wheat that may be produced on his farm next year.
  • A executes a gift deed in favour of his nephew of a house in which both of them were residing. A continues to live in the same house but paid taxes etc., in the name of the done.

Question 7

The doctrine of representation has no place in Islamic Law. How far this statement is true of: [BJS 1977]

Divide the estate in the following cases according to both Hanafi and Shia systems:—

Question 8

Discuss and illustrate the dictum, 'the nearer in degree excludes the more remote', in relation to both the Shia and Sunni Law of Inheritance. [BJS 1978]

Question 9

Enumerate and explain the main difference between the Sunni and Shia rules of inheritance. How can these differences be justified? [BJS 1978]

Question 10

Write a short but critical note on impediments to inheritance. [BJS 1984]

Question 11

What are the general principles of succession under the Hanafi Law? Explain. [BJS 1986]

Question 12

How the allotment of shares is made among collaterals under the Muslim Law of inheritance. [BJS 1986]

Question 13

Write a short note on the classification of heirs under the Shia Law of inheritance. [BJS 1986]

Question 14

What is the right of an illegitimate child against his putative Muslim father? Explain and refer to relevant case law. [BJS 1987]

Question 15

A Muslim male of Hanafi School dies leaving after him his father, his mother, two daughters, and his son's daughter. Determine the shares of the heirs in the property of the deceased. [BJS 1987]

Question 16

Enumerate the various classes of heirs according to Sunni and Shia schools. A dies leaving his widow, mother, and full brother. Determine the shares of the heirs in the property of the deceased. [BJS 2006]

Question 17

State the Koranic heirs under Shia Law of inheritance and distinguish them with Sunni Law of inheritance. [JJS 2014]

Question 18

What do you mean by the doctrines of 'Aul and Radd'? [HJS 2001]

Question 19

A Muslim woman died leaving her husband and two sisters. How her property will devolve? [HJS 2001]

Question 20

A Muslim male died leaving his mother, widow, and daughter. How many shares they will get? [HJS 2001]

Updated On 17 Jan 2023 12:43 PM
Mayank Shekhar

Mayank Shekhar

Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.

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