Sports Management and Sports Law: A Dynamic Connection
The article 'Sports Management and Sports Law: A Dynamic Connection' accentuates the importance of keeping up with changing rules, prioritizing ethical behaviour

The article 'Sports Management and Sports Law: A Dynamic Connection' accentuates the importance of keeping up with changing rules, prioritizing ethical behaviour, and leveraging legal knowledge to safeguard the rights and welfare of teams and organizations
Introduction to Sports Management
The specific domain of business that relates to sports as well as recreation can be referred to as ‘sports management’. It is an accumulation of several skills such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading and its subsequent evaluation with regard to organizations that are a part of the sports field. The arena of physical education has further given way and promoted sports management by enhancing sports advertisement, marketing, media analytics, sponsorships etc. The various aspects that form a part of sports management are ethics, finance, law and administration among others. Thus, it becomes imperative to be aware of relevant facets of sports law in order to be proficient in sports management. Let us now get a brief understanding of what ‘sports law’ enunciates.
What is ‘Sports Law’?
In the ever-changing and progressively evolving world of sports, sports law becomes a crucial aspect with regards to maintaining the standard of fairness and ensuring the fulfilment of basic rights of all the stakeholders that are thus a part of the sports field whether directly or indirectly.
Thus, legislation in sports becoming a topic of growing importance so as to foster uniformity in the legal guidelines and perspectives that are being set up in this field.
Importance of ‘Sports Law’
Before implicating the relevance and relation between sports law and sports management, let us quickly discuss in brief the importance that sports law holds in the field of sports so as to be able to infer the above-mentioned relation.
Sports Law assists athletes in protecting their rights and also in providing equal opportunities to all players. Meaning to say, any sort of discrimination based on race, gender etc. is sought to be eliminated by way of providing a uniform set of guidelines or laws in this regard. Along with assistance in maintaining fair play and integrity, sports law is also responsible for inculcating dispute resolution in the sports field. Ensuring that there is strict compliance with the restrictions put in place and facilitating smooth negotiations for contracts are other factors which define the scope of sports law and thereby make it viable for adoption in the field of sports. Anti-doping legislation also needs to be put in place along with strict restrictions on match-fixing and sports law assists in the same.
Ultimately, it becomes imperative to manage the continuous and appropriate governance of sports along with the constant formation of sports policies that entail all incidental matters that are thus relevant for the sustenance and growth of sports; and this is also facilitated by sports law. Domestic laws for regulating the sports field are also equally important for the purpose of adhering to the international standards, and guidelines put in place.
Comprehending the Relation Between Sports Management and Sports Law
As read above, sports management can be broadly understood as a subject matter dealing in entirety, with all the issues expressed as well as incidental to the field of sports. Moreover, the scope of sports law describes the most appropriate way in which such governance or maintenance of fair standards can be sustained. Thus, in order to manage sports, it becomes imperative to be aware and well-versed in the various aspects of sports law.
Following can be understood as some of the reasons that indicate the intertwined importance of sports law and sports management:
1. With the growing importance of sports, they are now often referred to as an industry instead of their traditional understanding as mere ‘recreational activities’. Mizoram has recently stated that it shall refer to sports as an industry. This shows the importance that athletes and all other stakeholders must inculcate the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in order to sustain. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and this implies that even an ‘innocent non-compliance’ of the law by an athlete would reflect negatively upon his image.
2. Acquiring sufficient legal acumen would help athletes, and other officials in interpreting the rules and regulations that are applicable with more proficiency. This would be especially useful in instances where contract negotiations are taking place. For instance, it will help in flagging any discriminatory or unsuitable terms from being included in the contract.
3. Further, in order to establish oneself as a successful ‘sports entrepreneur’ it becomes important to be aware of the statutory skills that are required. The legal knowledge that one possesses also complements this aspect.
4. The ambit of sports law is not merely inclusive of the Indian jurisdiction but rather has several implications stemming from the international guidelines, standards, and laws as established. Thereby, in order to be successful in managing any task that forms part of the sports field it becomes crucial to be in coherence with all the relevant existing material that covers the legal understanding.
5. Since sports managers are expected to work for a variety of clients ranging from players, athletes, sports organizations, or parent programs such as the National Football League, and National Basketball League, they are expected to be knowledgeable with regards to all such laws that have the potential of being applicable on any matter relating to the sports field.
Conclusion and Suggestions
The aim of sports management is to assist in the smooth functioning and as mentioned above, to maintain relevant order, uniformity, and standards as pre-decided. The legal environment governing sports ultimately helps in catering to all the issues that would otherwise prove to be impediments in sports management. The legal framework adhering to the resolution of matters such as sex discrimination, doping etc. is thereby essential in order to complete the scope of sports management. It can therefore be said that sports law provides a holistic overview of sports management.
Keeping in parlance the drastic growth of sports activities, so much so, that the same is now starting to be referred to as an ‘industry’ within itself, is showcasing the ardent need for revolutionizing the way this field is managed. For any such success, the most important factors are adequate quality monitoring by way of regulation, proper governance, and prevention of any unscrupulous activities along with the provision of equal, fair opportunities to all. Sports management and sports law portray a positive potential with regard to this discussion as they will be able to cater to the legal landscape surrounding the field of sports along with all other incidental matters.
[1] Kanwal DP Singh and Harshita Singh, ‘Amenability of Sports Law to Sports’, Available Here
[2] Rebecca LeBoeuf Blanchette, ‘What is Sports Management?’, Available Here
[3] Anil Kumar Thakur, ‘Sports Law in India: Present status and Future Roadmap’, Available Here
[4] Dhruva, ‘The crucial role of sports law in India’s sporting landscape’, Available Here
[5] Arul Kumar, ‘Legal aspects in Sports Management and Sports Law’, Available Here