Book Review: The 48 Laws of Power | Robert Greene
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is a non-fiction book that explores the dynamics of power and influence.;

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is a non-fiction book that explores the dynamics of power and influence. This book was published in 1998 and was written by Robert Greene. The book tends to cover various areas related to human psychology and human behaviour.
- Author: Robert Greene
- Published by: Profile Books
- Language: English
- Pages: 480
- Buy it on Amazon: The 48 Laws of Power
The idea behind the book is to provide the reader with an understanding of the practical use of various psychological aspects which influence the minds of people. Such aspects may include certain words, a certain way of speaking, body language, and even the overall mindset of an individual. There are various lessons in the book which will provide the reader, with the knowledge of how to master such tricks and use them in day-to-day life for the betterment of their own life.
As discussed above, the 48 Laws of Power tend to explore the dynamics of power and influence. However, the book not just provides the reader with theoretical study, but also, with practical examples of various leaders from history. The lessons in the book can be divided into 3 parts for a better understanding of the reader. The first part mostly covers an introduction to human psychology along with some basic tips which can be used in a practical sense. The second and third parts of the book are more inclined towards the practical usage of the aforementioned tips. Furthermore, they consist of lessons which may help the reader in attaining more respect and influence in the society. Such lessons may also increase the confidence level of the reader.
Key Lessons in the Book for Improving Self-Respect and Confidence
The book focuses a lot on certain positive lessons which may enhance and increase the self-respect and confidence of the reader. Such lessons are as follows:
- Law 9: Win through actions, not argument: It implies that mere words are not enough to win. Taking action on a certain issue makes a real difference, instead of arguing on the topic. Although communication is an effective and very crucial aspect, arguing about a topic won’t lead anywhere. The only thing that will come out of it is negativity.
- Law 10: Infection- avoid unhappy and unlucky people: It focuses on how one should always avoid engaging with a crowd of unhappy people, who keep complaining about a bad situation instead of solving it. The negative actions and words of people around you can also make you feel negative, hence, they spread the infection. That is why, it is important to avoid such people and be surrounded by positive and bright people.
- Law 25: Recreate yourself: It focuses on one’s recreation and increasing the ability to adapt to new goals. This can happen only by recreation of one’s persona.
- Law 28: Enter action with boldness: It compels the reader to enter into a task with utmost confidence and boldness. This helps increase the reader’s self-esteem too.
- Law 34: Act like a king to be treated by one: It implies and encourages the reader to carry themselves with dignity and self-respect.
- Law 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others: This lesson implies how one should respect another person’s ideas and beliefs, such respect leads to friendships and mutual respect among peers.
Practical Applicability of the Book
The book tends to cover various lessons that are based on human psychology, however, they are not merely textual, as most of the lessons in the book directly affect the reader’s way of thinking. The book also advises on certain social situations and offers practical solutions for real-life issues that one may face in their journey.
There are limits to certain laws, and one shall be mindful of not using these tricks for ulterior motives. Although at times, the lessons in the book may hint towards an ulterior goal, one should remember that the book doesn’t support or uphold any underhanded or illegal tactics whatsoever. The book is indeed practical, but it is the duty and the responsibility of the reader not to interpret the meanings of the lessons in the wrong way. Therefore, the reader must only focus on the primary agenda of the book, which is to increase one’s confidence, cognitive abilities and influence, while upholding high morals and rightfulness.
The New York described the 48 Laws of Power as ‘A sensation’.
From the above discussion, we may state that the book is informative and practical. The lessons of the book are designed in a way which shall increase the reader’s self-confidence and self-respect. The increase of self-worth in a person in their mind can do wonders, and the book certainly follows the notion.
The book also provides the readers with a lot of practical tips that can be used in social situations to increase mutual respect and understanding among peers. However, the reader must positively use such tips and lessons, which hopefully build up a stronger and better character, while upholding honesty and gratitude as well.
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