Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 4: Important Questions for Judiciary, APO & University Exams | Part – IV

The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 4, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law.;

Update: 2022-05-26 01:30 GMT
Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series
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The Hindu Law Mains Question Answer Series 4, includes a comprehensive set of questions for Hindu Law, including modules such as Karta and Power and Duties.

Legal Bites presents Part IV of the Hindu Law Mains Questions Series. The questions listed here, which are arranged by section, will help students study for Judiciary, APO, or University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites' list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions and practice their aptitude and knowledge.

Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate's knowledge but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question's requirements.

It is vital to prepare for this exam to pass it thoroughly. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practicing these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate's confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.

Hindu Law Mains Question Series Part IV

Question 1

Under the Mitakshara school, there is a recognized mode of devolution of property by survivorship and inheritance while under the Dayabhaga school one mode of devolution of property is recognized. Discuss what is the position of the joint family properties when it is recognized. Discuss what is the position of the joint family property in the hands of a sole surviving coparcener. [UPJS 1991]

Question 2

Mr. P. Karta of a joint Hindu Family died in 1971 leaving behind him five sons and their respective families. PS being the eldest son became the Karta of the joint family. Y is the eldest daughter of PS. As time passed all the five sons also died. Later one of the sons X of the younger brother of PS declared himself the Karta by virtue of being the eldest male member of the family. This claim of X was challenged by Y that after the death of her father and her uncles, she being the senior most members of the Joint Hindu Family, is entitled to be the Karta of the family. Decide, in the light of recent developments of Hindu Law. [HPJS 2018]

Question 3

  • What is the position of a Karta in a Mitakshara Hindu Family? Can the mother or any other female member be a Karta in a Joint Hindu Family?
  • When can a Karta alienate co-parcenary property to bind the other co-parceners?

Question 4

  • Explain clearly the law relating to antecedent debt.
  • The father of a Joint Hindu Family governed by Mitakshara Law executed a deed of mortgage of joint family property in 1960. In 1966 he sold the property for twenty-four thousand rupee of which two thousand rupee were paid to the mortgage. The rest of the mortgage debt had already been discharged long prior to 1966. The balance of the purchase money was applied by the father to his own purpose. Will you regard the sale as having been made to discharge an antecedent debt? Give reasons for your answer. [BJS 1980]

Question 5

What are the powers and liabilities of a Karta in a Joint Hindu family? Can the mother or any other female member be a Karta in a Joint Hindu Family? [BJS 1984]

Question 6

Effect of apostasy under Hindu Personal Laws.

Question 7

A Hindu undivided family did not file an income tax return. Who shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence? What is the defence available to him? [RJS 1989]

Question 8

N the manager of the Joint Family gifted a small portion of Zamindari land belonging to joint family, to a stranger with the object of defeating a claim for pre-emption. Other coparceners challenged the alienation being without legal necessity. [DJS 1979]

Question 9

"A" as managing member of joint Hindu family borrowed Rs. 5000/- from "B" for the necessities of the joint family. "B" obtained the decree against "A" as manager of the joint family. Could the decree be executed against the whole coparcenary property? Could the decree be executed against personal separate properties of all the members of the joint family? Decide giving reason. [DJS 1982]

Question 10

Write a note on the powers and liabilities of a Karta in a Hindu joint family. [DJS 2005]

Question 11

A Hindu wife seeks divorce from her husband on the ground that he is suffering from ‘AIDS’. Is this a valid ground for divorce? Explain.


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