UGC NET Mock Test 2 PAPER 1 | UGC NET Mock Test Solved Papers PDF
Find UGC NET MOCK TEST 2 PAPER 1 on Legal Bites. UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is conducted on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility of Assistant Professorship, Junior Research Fellowship or both, for Indian Universities and Colleges. Practice the UGC NET MOCK TEST to reflect on… Read More »
Find UGC NET MOCK TEST 2 PAPER 1 on Legal Bites. UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is conducted on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility of Assistant Professorship, Junior Research Fellowship or both, for Indian Universities and Colleges. Practice the UGC NET MOCK TEST to reflect on your preparation and increase your knowledge with the correct information. Practice makes a man perfect and thus, solving the past year paper will provide you with an edge over your competitors. Click Here for Online Mock Tests and Solve Live.
This will allow you to grasp different concepts and assist you in developing a framework and strategy of preparation. The scores will further provide you with an analysis of your weaknesses and strengths. Attempting the paper will familiarize you with the pattern, structure and difficulty of the paper and help you ace your exams.
Find the solved UGC NET PAPER below.
No. of questions- 50
Maximum Marks – 100
Timing – 03 Hours (Paper I & II)
1. A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is:
- A cluster sample
- A random sample
- A stratified sample
- A systematic sample.
Answer: (b)
2. Area (cluster) sampling technique is used when:
- Population is scattered and large size of the sample is to be drawn
- Population is heterogeneous
- Long survey is needed
- (a) and (c).
Answer: (d)
3. Why do teachers use teaching aid?
- To make teaching fun-filled
- To teach within understanding level of students
- Making student attentive
- For students’ attention.
Answer: (b)
4. Feedback of a message comes from:
- Satellite
- Media
- Audience
- Communication.
Answer: (c)
5. National Press Day is celebrated on:
- 16th November
- 19th November
- 21st November
- 30th November.
Answer: (a)
6. Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of:
- Aptitudes
- Skills
- Attitudes
- Relationships.
Answer: (b)
7. According to Swami Vivekananda, teacher’s success depends on:
- His renunciation of personal gain and service to others
- His professional training and creativity
- His concentration on his work and duties with a spirit of obedience to God
- None of the above.
Answer: (c)
8. The two-factor theory of intelligence was proposed by:
- Spearman
- Wechsler
- Piaget
- Binet.
Answer: (a)
9. An example of asynchronous medium is:
- Radio
- Television
- File
- Newspaper.
Answer: (d)
10. Didactic communication is:
- Intra-personal
- Inter-personal
- Organizational
- Relational.
Answer: (b)
11. In analog mass communication, stories are:
- Static
- Dynamic
- Interactive
- Exploratory.
Answer: (a)
12. A teacher encounters various problems during his professional experiences. He should:
- Resign from his post in such situations
- Do research on that problem and find a solution
- Avoid the problematic situations
- Take the help of the head of the institution.
Answer: (b)
13. A boy is sitting on the back seat of a car. when the driver suddenly starts the car, the boy experiences a backward force:
- Always
- Never
- Often
- Sometimes.
Answer: (a)
14. “Statement: Should the duration of the parliamentary government be increased? Argument. I: Yes, it will reduce the expenses on elections and also reduce inflation. Argument. II: No, it will take longer time to change a ruling party even if it is corrupt.”
- Only I is strong
- Only argument II is strong
- Both the arguments are strong
- Neither I nor II is strong.
Answer: (b)
15. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer?
- Decimal
- Binary
- Hexadecimal
- Octal.
Answer: (b)
16. Election of Rural and Urban local bodies are conducted and ultimately supervised by:
- Election Commission of India
- State Election Commission
- District Collector and District Magistrate
- Concerned Returning Officer.
Answer: (b)
17. Which part of the Constitution of India is known as Code of Administrators?
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV.
Answer: (d)
18. “Statements: (a) Cats like rats. (b) Rats like bread. Inference: Bread is liked by cats.”
- The inference is definitely true
- The inference is definitely false
- The inference is probably false or true
- Inference cannot be drawn.
Answer: (b)
19. The smallest unit of digital image is:
- Pixel
- Pallette
- Array
- Loop.
Answer: (a)
20. What is UBUNTU?
- Operating system
- Programming language
- Microprocessor
- None of the above.
Answer: (a)
21. Networking of libraries through electronic media is known as:
- Inflibnet
- Libifnet
- Corset
- LibGen.
Answer: (a)
22. Exclusive educational channel of IGNOU is known as:
- Gyan Darshan
- Gyan Vani
- Gyan Darpan
- Gyan Prasar.
Answer: (a)
23. Slums in metro-city are the result of:
- Rural to urban migration
- Poverty of the city-scape
- Lack of urban infrastructure
- Urban-governance.
Answer: (a)
24. “Statement: Should movies full of violence be telecasted? Argument. I: Yes, because children will adopt such behaviour from films. Argument. II: No, because violence is the heart and soul of all pictures.”
- Only I is strong
- Only argument II is strong
- Both the arguments are strong
- Neither I nor II is strong.
Answer: (a)
25. USB type storage device is:
- Secondary
- Ancillary
- Tertiary
- Primary.
Answer: (a)
26. The first computer mouse was built by:
- Douglas Engelbart
- William English
- Daniel Coogher
- Robert Zawacki.
Answer: (a)
27. Independent variables are not manipulated in:
- Normative researches
- Ex-post facto researches
- Both of the above
- None of the above.
Answer: (c)
28. The process not needed in experimental researches is:
- Observation
- Controlling
- Manipulation and replication
- Reference collection.
Answer: (d)
29. “Statements: (a) Those who are honest are good teachers. (b) Hard working people are honest. Inference: Hard work is the necessary quality of a good teacher.”
- The inference is definitely true
- The inference is definitely false
- The inference is probably false or true
- Inference cannot be drawn.
Answer: (c)
30. Which of the following is more interactive and student centric?
- Seminar
- Workshop
- Lecture
- Group Discussion.
Answer: (d)
31. Which species of chromium is toxic in water?
- Cr+2
- Cr+3
- Cr+6
- CrO.
Answer: (b)
32. Chemical compounds having same crystal structure are called:
- Polymorphic
- Pseudomorphic
- Isomorphic
- None of the above.
Answer: (c)
33. “Questions numbering from 33-37 will be related to the paragraph given below:
Some people maintain that there is no case for subsidising the arts because they are a minority interest. In its most sympathetic guise, this view presents itself as defending the poor. What subsidy for the arts amounts to is taking money from all the taxpayers (including those who never set foot in a museum or theatre) to help pay for the leisure activities of the privileged classes. And why, they say, should we subsidise snobbish entertainments such as opera when we don’t subsidise proletarian ones such as football?
Quite apart from the patronising assumption that most ordinary people are permanently immune to culture, however inexpensive it might be made by subsidy, there is an odd anomaly in this argument. Taken to its logical conclusion, it would undermine any kind of taxation in a democratic society. The way we collect and spend taxes is not based on the same principle as paying for private services. If the country decides that it believes certain things, whether universal schooling or the preservation of its cultural heritage, to be for the good of the nation as a whole, it does not require that every single taxpayer partake of those good things.
So why is art a good thing? Why is it so important that it be given millions of pounds of our money,even though so few of us go to the opera or museums, when thousands of people who play golf have to pay for it themselves? As I have written before when defending art against philistines from within, what the arts offer us is a way both of making sense of our condition and of transcending it. They are, in the end, what makes us human rather than bestial.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author’s argument?”
- Art yields benefits beyond those who attend directly as it helps make cultured and more productive individuals, which benefits the nation as a whole
- There is a long standing history of patronage for the arts, not only by wealthy individuals but also by governments and kings
- Neither (a) nor (b)
- Both (a) and (b).
Answer: (a)
34. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the author’s argument?
- The subsidies in art circumvents the free market for the art/media that people actually want to consume as the government is essentially picking which artists get grants
- Government subsidies in art has the potential to create favouritism or conflicts of interest
- Neither (a) nor (b)
- Both (a) and (b).
Answer: (d)
35. What is the main conclusion of the author’s argument?
- Subsiding the arts is a good thing, on the grounds that, things which are good for the nation as a whole should be subsidised from public money
- It is wrong to subsidise art when we don’t subsidise other forms of entertainment such as football
- Subsidy for the arts amounts to is taking money from all the taxpayers to help pay for the leisure activities of the privileged classes
- The way we collect and spend taxes is not based on the same principle as paying for private services.
Answer: (a)
36. What role does the author’s claim that the arts make us human rather than bestial play in the argument?
- It is the premise of the argument
- It is the conclusion of the argument
- It is the counter premise that the author dismisses as not being true in his argument
- None of the above.
Answer: (a)
37. Which of the following is most similar to the author’s arguments regarding subsidising arts in the passage above?
- The citizens should be taxed for road–building even if some of them have no cars as road–building contributes towards nation building
- Those citizens should not be taxed for free school–education who have no children in school
- Both (a) and (b)
- Neither (a) nor (b).
Answer: (a)
38. “Questions numbering from 38-40 will be related to the passage given below:
Uncle Chen brought a bagful of jelly beans when he visited his mischievous nephews, Wei, Xi, Yin and Zhi aged 5 years, 6 years, 8 years and 9 years respectively. Uncle Chen kept the bag of jelly beans in the kitchen and went out for a walk. One by one, the four nephews entered the kitchen when no one was around and took away some of the jelly beans from the bag.
Zhi was the first to take away an eighth of the jelly beans in the bag. A while later, Wei took away a fourth of the jelly beans in the bag. After some time, Xi took away a fifth of the jelly beans in the bag. Finally, Yin took away a sixth of the jelly beans in the bag. After he returned from his walk, Uncle Chen asked his nephews to distribute the jelly beans in the bag in the ratio of their ages.
If Uncle Chen’s bag contained 320 jelly beans, who got the maximum number of jelly beans?
- Wei
- Xi
- Yin
- Zhi.
Answer: (a)
39. If Uncle Chen’s bag contained 1024 jelly beans, which of the following pairs of nephews together got more than 50% of the jelly beans?
- Zhi and Yin
- Zhi and Xi
- Yin and Xi
- Yin and Wei.
Answer: (d)
40. If Wei got 30 jelly beans more than Zhi, how many more jelly beans did Xi get than Yin?
- 12
- 18
- 24
- 36.
Answer: (a)
41. “Questions numbering from 41-42 will be related to the problem given below: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. In a certain code language, ‘Gunjan Avni Dodo’ is coded as “’Z6% M5* W12* ‘ ‘Laddu Kartik Priyas’ is coded as ‘W26* R26* Z9* ‘ ‘Senju Rajesh Rohit’ is coded as ‘Q22* H26% R12% ‘ What is the code for ‘Career’ in the given code language?
- V26%
- V26*
- I24%
- W9%.
Answer: (a)
42. What is the code for ‘Glass’ in the given code?
- H15%
- H15*
- H20%
- H18%.
Answer: (b)
43. The great Indian Rhino has its natural home in:
- Kaziranga National Park
- Corbett National Park
- Sunderbans
- Kanha National Park.
Answer: (a)
44. The most efficient method of biodegradable urban solid waste management is:
- Landfills
- Pelletization
- Gasification
- Composting.
Answer: (d)
45. Good evaluation of written material should not be based on:
- Linguistic expression
- Logical presentation
- Comprehension of subject
- Ability to reproduce whatever is read.
Answer: (c)
“Questions numbering from 46-50 will be related to the problem given below: Eleven friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a cricket match.
- T is to the immediate left of P and third to the right of U.
- V is immediate neighbor of M and N and third to the left of S.
- M is the second to the right of Q, who is at one of the ends.
- R is sitting next to the right of P and P is second to the right of O.
46. Who is sitting in the center of the row?
- N
- O
- S
- U.
Answer: (d)
47. Which of the following people are sitting to the right of S?
Answer: (b)
48. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the above arrangement?
- There are three persons sitting between P and S
- W is between M and V
- S and O are neighbors sitting to the immediate right of T
- N is sitting between V and U.
Answer: (d)
49. Who are the immediate neighbors of T?
- O, P
- O, R
- N, U
- V, U.
Answer: (a)
50. If Q and P, O and N, M and T, and W and R interchange their positions then which of the following pairs of friends is sitting at the ends?
- P and Q
- Q and R
- P and W
- P and R.
Answer: (c)