U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge)

Candidates preparing for the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam should solve the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 (General Knowledge)

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U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge)
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Candidates preparing for the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam should solve the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge) and other previous year question papers. This helps in understanding the syllabus, preparing the subjects effectively, and aligning preparation with the types of questions asked. All successful candidates carefully analyze the tricks and question patterns of the UP APO exam. Aspirants should adopt this approach at the start of their preparation to gain a clear understanding of the question pattern and style.

U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 Previous Year Paper (General Knowledge)

Practising authentic question papers provides a real feel of the exam. Here's the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2015 Paper (General Knowledge). Practice and Prepare with our UPPSC APO Mock Test Series. | SPONSORED

U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Mains Written Examination 2015
(General Knowledge)

Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Specific Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks carried by each question are indicated at its end.

Question 1

(a) Discuss the provisions as enshrined in the Constitution of India relating to the protection of interests of minorities and their right to establish and administer educational institutions. (word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

(b) Underline the role of the Constituent Assembly in framing the Constitution of free India. (word limit: 200 each) (5 Marks)

Question 2

(a) Throw light on Indo-Afghanistan relations after the formation of the Modi Government at the Centre. (word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

(b) What is nuclear energy? How can it help in the maintenance of global peace and security (word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

Question 3

(a) Keeping in view the present political disturbance in Nepal, examine the trade and economic relationship existing between India and Nepal. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

(b) Point out the objectives of the National Food Security Act. What devices are being adopted in Uttar Pradesh for its implementation. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

Question 4

(a) Write the names and the functions of the 'writs' issued by the High Court for the protection of Fundamental Rights of citizens. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

(b) Write a brief note on the successful BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile test in November, 2015. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

Question 5

Write notes on the following: (words limit: 80 each) (10 Marks)

(i) Exit Poll

(ii) Digital India

(iii) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

(iv) Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

(v) Swachh Bharat Mission

Question 6

Write short notes on the following. (Words limit: 30 each): (10 Marks)

(i) Interpol

(ii) Housing for All

(iii) Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana

(iv) Range of Agni-V Missile

(v) Collegium

(vi) Clean UP-Green UP

(vii) Victory of grand alliance in recent elections in Bihar

(viii) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

(ix) Smart City Yojana

(x) Constitutional guarantee of secularism

Question 7

Write the full forms of the following abbreviations: (10 Marks)

(i) SEBI

(ii) ISRO

(iii) NCTC

(iv) ASEAN

(v) CSIR

(vi) ONGC

(vii) ICJ

(viii) IBRD

(ix) UGC

(x) EEC

Question 8

(a) Name the authors of the following books: (5 Marks)

(i) Tamas

(ii) As you Like It

(iii) Gods of Corruption

(iv) Revolution 2020-Love Corruption, Ambition

(v) Faces and Places

(b) With which sports are the following associated? (5 Marks)

(i) Ranji Trophy

(ii) Rovers Cup

(iii) Davis Cup

(iv) Aga Khan Cup

(v) Wellington Trophy

Question 9

(a) In which fields have the following persons achieved fame (5 Marks)

(i) Ghulam Ali

(ii) Tirath Singh Thakur

(iii) Mark Zuckerberg

(iv) Aung San Suu Kyi

(v) Manohar Parrikar

(b) What are meant by the following? (5 Marks)

(i) Speaker Pro tem

(ii) Lok Adalat

(iii) Black Money

(iv) Adult Franchise

(v) Bhoodan

Question 10

(a) Discuss the steps adopted by the Centre for bringing about economic reforms in the country. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)

(b) How is air pollution caused? Suggest measures for the prevention of air pollution. (Word limit: 200) (5 Marks)


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