U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper (Criminal Law and Procedure-with Police Act and Regulations)

Candidates preparing for the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam should solve the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 (Criminal Law and Procedure-with Police Act and Regulations)

Update: 2024-12-05 04:36 GMT
U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper (Criminal Law and Procedure-with Police Act and Regulations)
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Candidates preparing for the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam should solve the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper (Criminal Law and Procedure-with Police Act and Regulations) and other previous year question papers. This helps in understanding the syllabus, preparing the subjects effectively, and aligning preparation with the types of questions asked. All successful candidates carefully analyze the tricks and question patterns of the UP APO exam. Aspirants should adopt this approach at the start of their preparation to gain a clear understanding of the question pattern and style.

U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 Previous Year Paper (Criminal Law and Procedure - with Police Act and Regulations)

Practising authentic question papers provides a real feel of the exam. Here's the U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Exam Mains 2018 Paper (Criminal Law and Procedure - with Police Act and Regulations). Practice and Prepare with our UPPSC APO Mock Test Series. | SPONSORED

U.P. Assistant Prosecution Officer Mains Written Examination 2018
(Law of Evidence Criminal Law and Procedure - with Police Act and Regulations)

Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Specific Instructions:

(i) Attempt five questions in all. Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any two questions from each of Section 'B' and Section 'C'.
(ii) All Parts of each question carry marks as indicated at the end of the respective part.


Question 1

(a) What are the duties of a Police Officer under the Police Act, 1861? Discuss in brief the penalties for neglect of such duties. (10 Marks)

(b) What procedure is to be followed under U.P. Police Regulations in case of post-mortem examination of a dead body? Explain. (6 Marks)

(c) State the meaning and significance of "Police Diary". (4 Marks)

Question 2

Write short notes on the following: 

(i) Criminal Conspiracy (8 Marks)

(ii) Sedition (8 Marks)

(iii) Grievous Hurt (8 Marks)

Question 3

State with reasons what offence, if any, has been committed, under the Indian Penal Code in the above cases.

(i) A says, "Z is an honest man, he never stole B's watch, intending to cause it to be believed that Z did steal B's watch." (5 Marks)

(ii) A, being on friendly terms with Z, goes into Z's library in Z's absence and takes away a book without Z's express consent. (5 Marks) 

(iii) A, by shooting at a fowl with intent to kill and steal it, kills B, who is behind a bush, but A was not knowing that B was there. (5 Marks)

(iv) A and B conspire to poison Z. A, in pursuance of the conspiracy, procures the poison and delivers it to B in order that he may administer it to Z. B in pursuance of the conspiracy, administers the poison to Z in A's absence and thereby causes Z's death. (5 Marks)

Question 4

(a) "Every culpable homicide is not murder." Explain this statement. (8 Marks)

(b) Define the offences of 'kidnapping' and 'abduction' and distinguish between the two. (6 Marks)

(c) Under what circumstances 'Theft' and 'Extortion' become Robbery? Explain with illustration. (6 Marks)

Question 5

(a) Do you agree with the view that 'mens rea, like chameleon, takes on different colour in different situations? Give illustrations in support of your answer. (10 Marks)

(b) Discuss the essential elements of 'Criminal Conspiracy' and differentiate between criminal conspiracy and abetment. (10 Marks)

Section - B

Question 6

(a) "For every distinct offence, of which any person is accused, there shall be separate charge and every charge shall be tried separately." Discuss. Are there any exceptions to this rule? (10 Marks)

(b) What is 'plea bargaining'? Briefly describe its procedure. Do these provisions apply in respect of all types of offences? (10 Marks)

Question 7

(a) What procedure is to be followed in executing a warrant beyond the jurisdiction of court which issued it? Discuss. (8 Marks)

(b) Discuss briefly the distinction between the procedure of investigation by a Police Officer in cognizable and non-cognizable offences. (6 Marks)

(c) What is 'Judgement' under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973? What are essentials to be shown in a Judgement? Discuss. (6 Marks)

Question 8

(a) What is the effect of non-appearance or death of complainant in a trial of summons cases by magistrate? (8 Marks)

(b) Is a defective charge necessarily fatal to conviction? Discuss. (6 Marks)

(c) Mention special provisions under Criminal Procedure Code in respect of search, arrest and investigation of women. (6 Marks)

Question 9

(a) "Bail can only be a matter of discretion if the offence is non-bailable and the scope of discretion depends upon various considerations." Discuss. (10 Marks)

(b) What are the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedure Code regarding death sentence? Discuss in detail. (10 Marks)


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